Anyone have squeaky breaks upon first startup, when I back out of my driveway and shift to "D", sometimes the brakes squeal or that normal for a 2011 Prius?
I had this issue and there was a TSB that called for installing new shims in the rear brakes. Surprised it still exists in a 2011.
My 2010 does it once in a blue moon backing out of garage. I don't care for it. A neighbor has a brand new rav4 maybe a year old I've heard his squeak, too.
Thanks for the heads up. I din't know there was a bulletin on it, I just assumed it was another Prius wierd noise LOL
thanks everyone, I assume its safe to drive until I get my first oil change, I can tell them then about it? I'll be changing the oil at 8000km's, I'm now at 4400km's.
I didn't know a TSB existed for this. I assumed the brake squeal was due to overnight condensation on the rotors as this also happens to me after I wash the car and let it sit for a while. It always goes away after the first brake application.
I have the noise too, but don't care anymore since I will get rid of the car soon! the dealer didn't take of the problem, If there is a TSB should be fixed when you visit for maintenance period, they just play stupid. That's the Idleness, laziness & Indolence from TOYOTA I don't need to save gas driving a JUNK! Prius Gen3 the R A T L E M A C H I N E !
TSBs are typically not performed unless the customer complains (as not all cars are affected, even if your VIN falls under the TSB ), unless the dealer voluntarily completes it in order to pad their profits. This is true for Lexus as well.
I hope this doesn't apply for other brands, so Toyota would take care only if a TSB becomes a recall? in other words when someone got hurt or into an accident because of a TSB? beacuse they know there is a lot of mambo jambo going on in their cars!!
Not just Toyota--every car brand I've owned follows the same procedure. TSB repairs are performed based on customer complaint. Recalls are communicated to customers, and automatically performed the next time the car is at dealer for service.
If it's a safety issue, it's not going to be a TSB at all but rather a mandatory recall. This applies to all manufacturers.