Do you know if they are going to be ramping up production? Do you think that later this year there will still be a shortage of Priis?
Yep, will ship 36,000 this summer. A total of 75,000 from July to December 2011. Report: 75,000 Toyota Priuses headed to U.S. by end of 2011 — Autoblog Green
being the pessimist that i am, i think they will not be as successful at increasing production as they hope to be an thusly, still a shortage for quite a while. one caveat being the price of gas. if it drops, as the administration seems bent on accomplishing, that could reduce demand. or if any other manufacturers come out with a competitive product.
That was my take --- and that's why I ordered mine a few weeks ago. Supply may increase, demand (and price of gas) may decrease ... but, it may be about 6 months down the line before that has any *major* affect on the prices/availability. My options were : order one at about $500 under MSRP now .... or, keep driving my gas guzzler at a cost of $200 each month over what the Prius would be drinking. Each month I drive my 4Runner, the value goes down a bit too. So, I'm looking at about a $1600-2000 cost if I wait 6 months. Is the Prius going to be $2k cheaper in 6 months? It definitely could be ... but, why chance it?
If you believe in god ask him/her. We have no control over the time it will take to recover from the terrible disaster that continues in Japan. This is not about us and what we want
Nice Goat Tony!! As far as when to buy? I would buy when Wally Wallet say so. My 2011 is our first Hybrid and I really like it. I am still learning how to drive it though. My goal is always run on battery as much as possible. I have parked it twice with the CONS @ 99.9!! That's from a 7 mile or so trip to the store (no HWY). <TUNDRA>
That is the opposite of what you want to do for maximum MPG. Using the batter is a waste of energy due tto a law of thermodynamics and you simply cannot change that law. You want to minimize battery usage except to assist the engine in acceleration. Otherwise you will run the battery down and you will need to recharge the battery. The only way to recharge the battery is through the engine (which involves energy loss through transfers) or by traveling down long steep hills (how did you get up the hill?). Neither of which is efficient. Please see these links to learn how to drive your Prius more efficiently over a full tank of fuel. 7 miles means nothing when compare to a full tank. Mike with a Prius
Where did you get one under msrp? I am about to pull the trigger here in Tampa and they want $700over msrp. That's $1200 difference. I'll drive wherever for that. Ryan
For myself.......I would wait till after models are on the road for a several months. Japan took a real hit, parts used in the assembly of all cars should be watched.....Unless your really in need of a new car......hold a few $$$$$$ Just my 2¢
I swear I replied to this thread. I must have been dreaming. No wait Anyway This is a good SE Toyota inventory link. Toyota Prius FL Specs Arlington Toyota Jacksonville serving Saint Augustine Florida 4 ships at sea now with 2 more scheduled for 1st week of August (SE Toyota). Cars are coming.
if i were in the market and i could find one for msrp, i would pull the trigger. even a few hundred over is no big deal when you're talking 25-30 thou.
SE Toyota Inventory now shows over 800 in the pipeline --- as opposed to the dwindling numbers that were showing up over the last few months.
I was thinking about buying one and my parents as well. They quoted us $1000 over msrp (with dealer fee etc). Then I started looking around and 800 on the way in the southeast well I can wait. Ill hopefully save $100-$1500 waiting. I don't need it this minute. Think I can get one $500-$1000 under msrp? Ryan
I am paying $25859 out the door (tax, tag, title, doc/dealer fee) for a Prius II with window tint. A lot more expensive than people were paying in Jan/Feb/March --- yes. Good price considering the market? I think so. MSRP for the vehicle is $23,520 + $399 option + $815 freight = $24,734. My price before tag/tax/etc was 24,394. So ... $340 below MSRP. There is no reason to be starting at $1k above MSRP. Deals can be had.