It is not about being a 'Gay' car, it is about the fact that 'Guy' cars all look like they were designed in study hall by someone with no hope of marrying a girl. Long hood, small trunk, cramped backseat, if any. If a 'Gay' car equals a car for adults, I may be Gay.
I wrote something on CleanMPG a year ago. If I were President, I would not live thru the first term. It would be because of my plan to eliminate guzzlers. No CAFE standards or taxes. Mandate every vehicle getting less than 30 mpg look like a pink Prius with effeminate upholstery - make them more "gay" than a Prius.
Have your friends read this article in it entirety. Are any of your friends left handed? What does gay look like? Science is working on it - Los Angeles Times
"Gay car?" I call my Prius Sheila. Does this mean that each time I push her go button and, you know, turn Sheila on, I'm actually stimulating a lesbian? This adds an intriguing new perspective to the otherwise routine practice of "getting into" my Prius.
The same with wrecking the institution of marriage, but I know you will disagree (I suspect you're thinking of the standard "divorce has already done that" spiel, which I am hardly condoning). That "happiness" of which you speak can be achieved without further deconstructing society. I love how a 2000-year-old book can be dismissed as rubbish because it doesn't condone certain types of behavior. And I can tell you it's from a position that I will not be swayed (same with you, I'm sure). I will never be afraid to speak my mind (even with a self-professed gay cousin who sought marriage in CA), as much as some want to label this "hate speech"...I will gladly be placed under a (FEMA re-education camp) guillotine before that day arrives.
Recent studies have shown that sports cars do, in fact, get you chicks, should you use them that way. A Prius wouldn't work in the same way, I suspect. It wouldn't be my first choice if someone asked for a "chick-getting car" suggestion. A car cannot be "gay." Most of their owners, I'm sure, are not gay. And driving one doesn't make you gay. I test-drove one and didn't feel any particular urge to be with girls afterwards. I thought I read somewhere they discontinued the Camaro (but am confused on this point)? Now, that fine car would surely get you females and score you major cred with the other males in the pack, potentially even granting you alpha status. Alas that its insurance cost like twice its monthly payment for alpha males 16-25. Like, amounts of money you could buy several Prii with. And of course, people in that age group tend not to be big earners, so...but hey, they had heterosexual cred. Until they wrapped it around a tree or went bankrupt.
"'For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN THEIR MIND AND WRITE THEM ON THEIR HEARTS; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.' " (Hebrews 8:10-11) Sadly, we still try to teach our neighbor God's law despite clear instruction not to.
Hmmm, not an American car in sight! Either its a right wing conspiracy to stop Bubba buying foreign OR Gay people have good taste in cars?
Top Gear hates anything other than Ferrari's. But the following link answers your question; Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear - Cool Wall Oh and the following Clarkson quotes are quite amusing; And a few tasters; You do not just avoid the Suzuki Wagon R. You avoid it like you would avoid unprotected sex with an Ethiopian transvestite. Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... That's what gets you. Telling people at a dinner party you drive a Nissan Almera is like telling them you've got the ebola virus and you're about to sneeze. (On the Alfa Romeo Brera) Think of it as Angelina Jolie. You've heard she's mad and eats nothing but wallpaper paste. But you would, wouldn't you? (On the Audi R8) Driving most supercars is like trying to manhandle a cow up a back staircase, but this is like smearing honey onto Keira Knightley. (Aston Martin V8 Vantage Roadster) I would rather be in this than in Keira Knightley. Deciding which one is worse (the Austin Allegro or Morris Marina), is like deciding which leg you'd rather have amputated. I guess our American friends don't get to see some of his newspaper motoring reviews.
So, I need to get my head around this "gay car" thing. Do I have this right? When I drive my Prius I want to have a sexual relationship with other men but when I ride my 1200cc motorcycle I want sex with women, when I ride a bicycle what do I want sex with? and how about the V8 diesel LandCruiser Troop Carrier? How does that make me feel?
I traded in a 2002 Ford Thunderbird when getting my Prius. My other cars are a 2000 Honda Insight and a 2003 Lincoln Navigator. Now, I will have to decide which vehicle to use to make a date think I'm not "gay". Oh wait, shouldn't the fact that I'm taking a girl out be enough to do that?