Very well said! In this ridiculously crappy economy, I think saving on gas is the new COOL and the low TOC makes this the ultimate buyers choice. BUT what really SOLD ME was the technology packed into this mini wonder we call Prius! This car just freakin rocks! :rockon: I mean, seriously.... -SKS everyday makes me feel like james bond entering in and out of a bat mobile....crazy cool! :spy: -Superb aerodynamics makes me feel like I stole a vehicle developed by NASA....stealthy and slick! lane: -Forgetting my gas card at home....cause I never have to freakin use it......I'm feeling the green with money money :wof:, and ya, ok, the planet. -Watching gas prices go up to the point where my friends b*tch :rant: and complain about it...satisfying in a twisted way! -Creeping towards my little brother unaware of my presence in EV stealth mode and honking the horn for a good 30 seconds...priceless! ound: I'm in gadget heaven. :angel: I need more butter! opcorn:
I've never been told it was a "Whimpy" or "Gay" car, but if I ever did, I would just say that my other car is a V12...enough
In my time gay meant happy. Fag still meant Fag. I guess some words or meanings have not changed. People hate and are scared of what they don't understand. Instead of finding out for themself what something is about or how it works they always listen to someone else. My 20 something year old son shit when i came home with a new prius and chewed my rear off. I gave him the key fob telling him to shut up and take it for a spin. He came back after 20 minutes saying damn that is a nice car. LMAO
I think most opinions about most anything will fall in the shape of a bell shaped curve. You'll have a few over the edge fanatics, a few totally negative lunatics but most reasonable people fall somewhere in the middle. Meaning on every opinion there are a few nuts for and against that don't bear listening to. Funny that those are the ones that tend to get quoted in newspapers and on the news.
For those who dont know what this "gay" discussion is about, the NBA put up a video to help ya all out: [ame=""]NBA Cares[/ame] [ame=""][/ame]
Unfortunately, if you exclude the lunatics (which seems to be a fairly sizeable population), it seems much/most of the rest of non-hybrid owners are full of misinformation, the ones you'd probably put in the middle. Just look at some of the things we Prius owners have heard "learned" from non-hybrid owners at were some great ones.
I thnik it still is for Middle School boys, most outgrow it, but some are trapped in that mindset forever.
People can think and say what they want about the Prius, just ignore and smile because you really know inside that you are much "cooler and smarter" while saving a boatload of money on gas and helping the environment on the side.
I just graduated highschool, and am going to be going to college in the Fall. I got a fair amount of those "names" regarding my vehicle from a couple of people I know. Not necessarily "friends", but just people I knew. Sometimes I'd see them in the school parking lot while I drive by while my car is totally quiet and get looks. It's hard not to stare. So, I drop off one of my friends who always ague's to get shotgun in my car because he's so thrilled about how advanced and interesting the car is. The friends who made fun of my car were around, and when my other friend got out - the other guys came around completing my car and were actually interested in it commenting "woah, that's actually pretty cool!" and so forth. Not to mention, if they actually rode in my car, or DROVE it - they would see why people out there stick with the Prius brand and never go back. I sure wont. That's for sure. tl;dr - Prius haters normally never get a chance to see the car for what it is. Never have driven one, never sat inside one, and don't know the full benefits of driving a vehicle of such nature. From my experience anyway. For the most part, everyone who knows about my car thinks it's badass. I couldn't give 2 shits about what someone else thinks about MY car. Chances are, I won't like theirs either. /rant
googled and got this no prius on the list That Car is So Gay - Top 10 LGBTQ Cars 1. VW Rabbit 2. Audi R8 3. VW Eos 4. VW Jetta 5. Volvo C30 6. Mercedes-Benz E-Class 7. Saab 9-3 8. Nissan Quest 9. Toyota Yaris 10. Mazda MAZDA3
Rather than go to all the trouble of stuffing 300HP in there, some of these on a Prius would really make a statement: Truck Accessory,Bumper Nuts,nutz,balls,Ford,Suv,Dodge,Jeep,Chevy,Testicles,Trucknutz,Atv,rv,Testicles,gonads,monster,nascar,trucker (assuming you have a trailer hitch on it, as many people do to carry bicycles)
that list.. is terrible. Rabbit/Golf, no.. R8, no. E-Class, no. 9-3? no. Quest? It's a minivan... Yaris, nope. Mazda 3, definitely not. In terms of culture the Prius ranks higher on the "gay" perception list than any of those.
As another "idiot" who disagrees with the lifestyle (thus your assessment), who owns a Prius and who has a "I Don't Believe The Liberal Media" (yes, that's FAUX included) bumper sticker on my back window (as to not spoil the paint ), I'll also make no other comment.