Thank you for your contributions. You'd be amazed just how much of an influence online participation in forums really hopes newbies and the curious. Heck, it even helps guide those with years of Prius driving experience to the jedi level. .
So, how does it feel to be a wise old man? If you get cold or hungry up on that mountain peak, let me know. I'd thank you for your post, but that would only spoil your nice round number. edit: oops, John already did. Oh well, 2001 is a good number, too.
That nice round number is history. I'll have to shoot for another thousand. It's the ever present threat of being turned into a newt. Tom
Bah! I better most of those thanks came from posts filled with sarcastic humor rather than useful knowledge. Therefore he is not a wise ol old geezer, he is just a smart nice person! : p
I was going to remark that they're pretty much the same thing, but then realised I'd be calling myself an old geezer.
Congrats, Tom! I haven't checked extensively, but you're perhaps the most thanked poster on PC. You also mention sheep more often than other poster. One has to wonder if there's a correlation of some kind, and then wonder, if there is, what that must mean. Considering the fact that I haven't thanked anyone for anything (due initially to not seeing the button until long after its debut, and then sort of contining the thankless trend out of a reluctance to bestow that "first" thanks) it's amazing I get thanked at all. But I have to confess some pride in the thanks ratio of the thanks I do have, 1.87, almost 2, which means when I do get thanked it's very often by two or more people. That's the milestone I'm shooting for, a solid 2.0 ratio. That's a hard target. The thanks that mean the most are the thanks from adversaries. I've even gotten thanks from the rock thrower (although he's gone in later and yanked some of them for spite). If you can keep those, those are the real gems.
Here you go have one back out of spite. btw: it wasn't spite it was to protect your reputation amongst yer peers.
I do know of an instance 1-2 years ago, someone here gave msantos a sarcastic thanks...that did not go well. For the record, I pledge never to give a sarcastic thanks....i.e. the thanks I gave to you is sincere. The value of the thanks function is to make the forums more than one-dimensional - more like a face-to-face meeting.