Share your sunroof thoughts and experiences! Sunworshipper? Love the feeling of wind in your hair?:nod: Wonder what the sunglass holder fuss is all about? Don't know why other Prius owners would buy a damaged car with longitudinal creases in the roof? Embrace the facetious nickname (thank you energyandair) Join the Airhead Armada! :grouphug:
I'll start it off, at the risk of getting "I told you so"'d ... After two winters, the edge-guard caulking/RTV on the sunroof front spoiler has got a few nicks and small tears, and the corners of the roof have some small cracks in the edge-guard RTV. Anyone else seeing this?
I loved the sunroof on the test drive.. but I think I'd be too scared to actually get one in "my car"...
Scared of what? The sky is falling? Water leaks? Bad guys jumping into the car? Driving under well-fed birds? Bugs in the do? Cats, rats, and bats?
I love mine too.....along with the solar panel fan thingy! It sure is nice to open the door, get in, and not get that overheated oven feel.
Re: your fear of I took a look at the sealing surfaces today, following a pleasant drive through the People's Republic of Cambridge. The seals are big, fat, hollow rubber strips, similar to the doors. Just like the doors, they mostly get compressed by closing the roof, rather than dragged. I think they won't leak for many years, particularly if they get a thin coat of silicone grease every year or so.
I think with most factory installed sunroofs you don't have too much to worry about. But you either want one...or don't.... It's pretty polarizing. A lot of people have had some memory of a sunroof failure in the past, and talking them into a sunroof today is a tough task. Conversely, people like me? That remember top open driving? Would love a sunroof.
You are in an ideal climate for a sunroof, a relatively mild climate with a shortage of sun and dry weather so it's natural to want to fully absorb any good weather you have. (I can say that because I was born in Portland):rockon:
Overheard a guy the other day talk about how he could not go to auto car washers anymore due to the leak issue. do not know what kind of vehicle he had though.
Yep, I keep assuring myself my "Next" vehicle will have a sunroof. I love em...I had one in the past. Unfortunately? My current ride..bought new...Honda Fit...isn't available with a factory offered Sunroof. And I just can't bring myself to have an installer cut a big hole in the roof of my relatively new vehicle.... So I'm just hoping the Priuc c? Will have an available sunroof. And actually? The NW IS a good place for a sunroof. From now until late November, lot's of opportunity for cool breezes...
The season premiere of Warehouse 13 featured a sunroof-equipped Barcelona Red Prius. Nice product placement! Don't know who screwed up, though - Toyota PR or show writers. While Claudia is giving a rundown of the features, curiously neglecting the all-important solar cell-powered fan, she says it also has Intelligent Parking Assist - a feature from the V not available with a sunroof.
I would not have purchased the Prius without a sunroof - we like it, and use it a lot - even in the great NorthWet. Haven't had a chance to use the solar bits tho….
LOVE my sunroof, even in the suck-oven heat of Florida. It's great in the spring and fall season, but in the summer it can be used mostly in the early morning or late evening since it's just too hot. But as a plus, the solar roof works very well, as does the remote AC startup. It doesn't make it COLD inside, but it is much more inviting than if the car was closed up with just the windows cracked. As for leaks, hey, it's a Toyota and I believe the seals are similar in construction as door seals and look how many times those get opened and closed.
I have had sunroofs on plenty of cars, but never seem to use them, so didn't get one on the current Junior. Also, solar radiation is an issue.