I turned off eco mode for this last tank and pretty much drove the car in a normal manner not paying attention to maximizing mpg's. I got 50.4 mpg calculated. I'm happy with that and enjoyed driving more than when I'm constantly trying to maximize efficiency. :rockon:
I don't drive to hypermile, by any means. I think 43 MPG is good for the hills I have to climb around here. I'd love to take the car on a trip someplace flat to see the numbers in the 50's or 60's
Living at the beach it is all flat except the one bridge I have to cross going and coming from work. I get 55-57 mpg without trying, but when I try to get better mpg I still get 55-57.
I live about 0.6 miles from work which effects my overall MPG however as of today on a tank of gas with one pip left I have 415 Miles which isn't all that bad since short trips kill the MPG.
513.3 miles - last pip had just begun to flash 9.630 gallons $3.549/gallon $34.18 total 53.3 calculated mpg 55.9 computer mpg on tank.
I hate to have to say this, but why even bother driving? A 1 km walk is good for the body and mind, and takes less than 15 minutes (you're probably already walking 1/4 that distance when you consider the parking lot and such). If you have a major street to cross, I assume there's a light someplace nearby, in reality it's probably nearly as safe on foot as it is in a car. I also have a short commute, 2.9 miles, and I bike that as much as possible. The winter is out with the snow banks and dark, but otherwise I rack up about 500 miles a year on the bike, all 3 miles at a time. You're right about it killing the mileage, so I figure I turn a bad thing into a good thing by getting some exercise to help the cholesterol levels.
Wow, that comes out to 55.9 mpg, usually I get about 3 mpg less than what the computer mpg guage reads. Look like your guage reads the other way.... alfon
I'd be sceptical of that calc. Maybe the pump shut off early? I've found every tank calc not as good as what the dash display reads, anywhere between 5~9%.
517.1 miles 9.734 gallons $3.439/gallon $33.48 total 53.1 calculated mpg 53.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.065/mile
miles: 148.9 gal's used: 2.067 MPG Guage: 62.0 MPG Calculated: 72.036 Reg. Unleaded with 10 Ethanol Hwy 90% 10% City Note: When I filled last time at slow speed when the pump stops thats it... So after 148.9 miles the guage was still reading full. Normally it would drop down to 2 -3 pips from full. So I went to the same gas station I had previously filled up, a different pump but the same type and filled at slow speed, first click that was it.... So I am baffled why. I could see if it took 2.5 gal's but a little over 2 gal's. I have never had this happened. Also the gas guage still read full. This is the first time in over 51,000 miles this has ever happened. over 10 mpg more than the computer read out. alfon
My last tank the my best ever. 60.6 mpg / 2 blocks left ( I don't like to fill up when its close to empty ) / 501.0 miles driven. Mostly standard driving habits.
517.3 miles 10.074 gallons $3.379/gallon $34.04 total 51.4 calculated mpg 53.7 computer mpg on tank. $0.066/mile
My average mpg shows that "extra" high FE is not a constant that's for sure. We took some trips when the car was new, (dead of winter) where mileages, at least one direction were under 40mpg. Evidently I am unwilling to "pay the price" consistently, to rectify that initial low mpg, because my average stays just under 48. I did do a 170 mile trip yesterday from the Ozarks to NE Okla. and went way over any previous mpg I've ever got. 65.1mpg for 170 miles. Took 2.61gal. to top up tank after that journey. However that was/is obtained at a "price"! After refueling (beginning), I got out on a four-lane hwy and set the cruise at 60mph............for 170 miles. No stops, and maybe only took off cruise one time. This distance was basically out of the Ozarks, so not too many hills. But it appeared to me it was the consistency that got that mileage. I can do such to see what the possibilities are of the car, but this is not something I can do on an ongoing basis. Maybe over time, but I now am nearing the 36K mark, and haven't got an "average" over 50mpg yet..... Anyway if you have the patience to let everyone pass you out on the interstate, you can rack up some impressive figures! Probably didn't cost more than 20 minutes time increase to do the slower speed. But it sure wasn't pleasant to get passed by everyone on the road, although it made the drive more relaxing.
477.2 miles 9.437 gallons $3.489/gallon $32.93 total 50.56 calculated mpg 52.8 computer mpg on tank. $0.069/mile
440.6 miles 9.154 gallons $3.589/gallon $32.85 total 48.13 calculated mpg 51.1 computer mpg on tank. $0.0745/mile