Looks good HIGHcard. Wheels/rims do look a bit interesting. You weren't by any chance in Newport Beach on Tuesday were you?
Thanks bro! Tint/black head light housings/flat black head light wrap/flat black hubcaps/lowered/gloss black emblems/smoked tail lights/6000 hid conversion
looks good ! I ahve a black prius as well and I swear Prius 2nd gen looks best in black - the wheels seem more proportionate and it just look more well composed ... but keeping it clean is PITA ! thanks for posting !
Thanks! Yeah the black paint gets dirty like no ones business, but I kinda like the look ha ha..It does clean up very well though..I like the quality of the paint.. Thanks, yeah I think the tubed lighting in there looks cool ha ha, Thanks Here's some..It's a bit dirty from a Vegas trip..
I was just wondering. I had lunch in NB and at the other end of the parking lot was a black Gen III Prius, murdered out except for the shiny Toyota emblem. From my vantage point, it looked pretty sinister, but I didn't drive, so I couldn't request a drive-by for a closer look... Looking at your daytime picts, your rear emblem is blacked out, so I don't think it was you. Nonetheless, sharp looking Prius!
So are the wheel covers over the stock wheels, or something else? Your car would look great with the chromey wheels.
I love the red on the upper portion of your tail lights! :thumb: For some reason it just looks better and less "ricey" to me then the OEM (clear lens) that come stock. How did you add the red color over the clear? Are they aftermarket tail lights? If so where can I snag a pair? Nice pics OP! Update: I'm looking over your last daytime pic more closely and I'm starting to think you just had your parking lights on at the time that made your upper tail lights look red in color.