Okay, it isn't this year's movie, but "Ice Twisters", a dorky environmental disaster movie, is at the top of our list this year. Bad CGI, really bad acting, actors that look vaguely like recognizable actors (cousins? celebrity look-a-like failures?), awful closed captioning, cinematography that looks like a failed attempt to qualify for movie-making 101, and, my favorite, the line, "I was hypermiling. I can get an extra 50 miles out of a tank of gas that way!", spoken by the driver of a Ford Bronco. What's your top choice for really awful movie - doesn't have to be a new one - so bad that it's fun to watch?
I was innocently browsing the DVD section of Target and came across "The Human Centipede" and This. The latter disgusted me much, much more.
Almost anything that comes out of Hollywood, period. 2-hour advertisements for all the worst elements of American culture.
Here's a review and a reply from the second movie you listed. I have to agree with both. Fred: The Movie - Review Comments - Rotten Tomatoes
No, Transformers 3 ! Not sure if removal of Megan Fox will make the movie better, or worse. Sometimes Eye Candy is not just CGI. And I don't like the main actor...the kid from Jump would have made for a better choice.
Agreed!!! Although there were a few laugh-out-loud parts....the majority of the film was terrible. Planes, Trains and Automobiles was much, much better! SPH-D700 ?
Rachiel Taylor blows Megan Fox so far out of the water it's sad, Megan who got fired isn't in the third, she hates hitler, so who doesn't.
Wait, wut? They need some kind of hottie in the movie to distract people from that douchebag kid they recruited in the main role.
How does that kid have a career, he sucks. I just don't get why he ever got a second role in his life.
People, let's be a little more creative here... tell us WHY the movies are stupid... write it like a review. Remember, a stupid movie can be a good thing! :thumb:
Okay. Please remember that there are a lot of technical people on PC. You have to be specific with your instructions. The Final Sacrifice, from Wikipedia: Link: [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Final_Sacrifice"]The Final Sacrifice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] I recommend watching the MS3K version of it: Tom
I can't stand Shia LaBeouf or Hayden Christensen. And to my dismay, I've noticed that Shia is going to be in "The Wettest County in the World"....so Hollywood knows how to screw up a good book as they do a remake of a foreign movie (IE upcoming Dragon Tatoo remakes, or even Vanilla Sky). I like Ryan Reynolds in certain movies....but there's no way he could help the sinking ship known as Green Lantern. The more advertisements I see of the movie, the cheesier it looks in both FX and story. It also suffers from the main Hollywood vice of the past decade in which producers think that pouring money into a movie is progress. It was extremely unheard of to spend 200 million on one movie 10 years ago....and when you see the ROI from movies in the 70s and 80s compared to the last 10 years....it's pretty revealing. I've also had low expectations with Michael Bay for years. The only entertaining movie I think he made was The Rock...Pearl Harbor is one of the worst all time movies...yet he still gets blank checks to make more unappealing movies! Transformers had a certain campy goodness (although the camera angles were atrocious). That was erased with Transformers 2....and the multiple personality disorder I'm seeing in the Transformers 3 preview definitely just warrants rental. The only summer action movie that I'm looking forward to watching is X-men. Even Super 8 I'm having some reservations about (the bad reviews of it confirm what I see in ads: extremely light in story). Green Lantern box office: Too soon to call a flop? | Inside Movies | EW.com
Not really a summer movie since it opens in September. Looks bad enough to be good... and who could resist a monster called Lockjaw. Creature (2011) YouTube - ‪Creature The Movie - Official HD Trailer‬‏
I liked Shia LeBeouf in the last Indiana Jones movie, but I know that's a controversial statement. Saw Transformers 1, but not the others, he seemed okay. My understanding it was the plot and dialog that suffered for Transformers 2. If you ever watched the 1980's Transformers animated shows, you'll agree these are 10000 times better than that. (Which still isn't saying much). Green Lantern/Green Hornet - after Batman's success and then Spiderman, Hollywood is going thru all the comics looking for superheros to turn into movies, but they forget the successes had good writers and casting and cinematography, the superhero part was just a hook. I was in the theaters last weekend for the first time in a long time. They had a two minute trailer for a typical horror movie coming out this summer, and it was pretty clear they had exhausted most of the whole plot and the best scenes in the trailer. I can't even remember what it was called, but it was pretty obvious there wasn't a reason to spend money on tickets for that one.