I never had a car that catches so many bugs on the front grill area as my Prius. i would think that an aerodynamically balanced design would push the bugs over the front of the car. Anyone else notice the same thing?
I do not know, I get as many bug guts on it during certain times of the year as other cars I've owned. If I'm taking a long road trip during a season when I know alot of bugs will get smashed on the front end, I spray it with this so they come off rather easy when washed: Bug Off! - Everyday and Storage - Car Maintenance - Griot's Garage
It must be the Green thing. The bugs rush toward the fresh, smog-free, air around your hybrid and the pollution from non-hybrid cars killed the spotted owls that used to eat those pesky insects. I don't care so much about the bugs, although I despise having to scrape those tree-hugger off my grill. :nono:
The Prius is so aerodynamic, it cuts through the air so fast that bugs couldn't get out of the way quick enough. RIP bugs.
It just looks that way because the grill is so small. Most cars have a big grill and the bugs go into the radiator. Now with the Prius. They hit the body and just splat. Use Armor all instant detailer with carnauba. It leave the surface slick and they just rinse off.
Someone (not me) could do a research project to find out which cars kill the most bugs. They could drive different vehicles through some really buggy place and count the bugs per square inch (BPI). Might even be good for a research grant so the taxpayers could foot the bill.
According to my research, bugs with make/model preference, selected Honda Insight,but some prefered time of day and/or color. I asked each bug to complete a survey card just before splatting and here are the results. Don't know why, but 725 failed to return surveys: 61 bugs: no make/model preference 23 bugs: prefer nights 43 bugs: prefer nights w/headlights on 77 bugs: prefer vehicle moving at high speeds 30 bugs: no color preference 82 bugs: prefer blizzard pearl white 11 bugs: prefer Prius IV w/Nav and Sunroof 98 bugs: Honda Insight
On the other hand, I've seen bugs flow right over my car as if I was in some wind tunnel. Pretty amazing to see a large butterfly go just above the headlight, get in the airflow and stream off the back of the car to continue on. However, just below the headlights and its lights out.