I bought a 2010 Prius and brought it to Germany thinking I could simply buy a European DVD and replace the North American one that I have, but Toyota says no can do, how can that be??? Makes no sense, tell me more about it. Jeff
What kind of Nav System do you have in the car? One that needs the DVD being in the slot all the time? In Europe, we do have a system with 40GB HDD where the data for the Nav is stored on. An update of the data can only be dome at the Toyota dealer. AFAIK this is done with a DVD and entereing a unique code that must be bought.
Just an idea. In our 07 RAV4 we do have a Nav system taht uses a DVD that is numbered with E11. If you have a similar number on your DVD then you can get the actual E13 version for eastern, western or central Europe. You may try an old E08 DVD that you can get for a few bucks off ebay if that works. If it does then the E13 will work too. Note: I have Kenwood DVD Navs in the other car and the europen DVD worked without any mod. I once tried a Pioneer Avic D1 and was of no luck when I tried the european DVDs.
In addition to the other responses, one reason might be that the US uses a different DVD format (NTSC) than many other countries (including Germany, which uses PAL).
Oh no no, the Video output format has absolutely nothing to do with pure data stored on a Dual Layer DVD (ISO, Joillet, etc).