ya, but you guys can afford to lose the next one by 10 and still be confident you'll win the next one by one. you don't get any awards for most goals scored. i wonder how much the travel or home ice affects these guys?
Theoretically, the travel should affect each team equally - they're both doing the same amount. Although, home ice seems to be a pretty significant factor so far.
or the home ice means nothing and the tavel is affecting them. although, we didn't have to travel for game two.
On the whole, though, Vancouver has done more travel throughout the season. Boston has 5 opponents within bus/train range, while Vancouver would have to fly to all opponents. This probably doesn't make a difference, but you never know.
Should be another doozie tonight! IF it goes to 7, I'm contemplating heading up to Vancouver for game 7 to watch in the streets/pub. It's only an hour away. My biggest concerns would be the potential of riots in the city (as in '94) and the potential to have my previous Prius damaged as well (especially with US plates singling me out). I think it best that Vancouver just go ahead & win tonight. Thoughts?
I just hope tonight's game will be as close and good as the last. I hate one sided games. Vancouver - don't you dare collapse again.
Excellent thought. Your US plates shouldn't be a problem, unless of course you have Boston Bruin stickers festooned all over the car. But judging by your first comment, that's not likely. I'd suggest not parking downtown, or even attempting to drive there - park at Metrotown or something, and take the train in.
so far, so good. let's see what p2 brings. personally, i think the goalie change means the canucks have mailed it in and expect to win game 7 1-0.
Oh, puck. No, it's just saving Luongo any further embarrassment. I wonder how many of those shots Thomas could have stopped? :glare: If Vancouver loses, I guarantee it's going to get ugly.
Most of the ones faced by Luongo. Luongo is a large shot blocking goalie. That first goal was perfectly placed. I think it rattled his confidence. As a goaltender, I can't overemphasize the importance of confidence. A quick goal can kill it. Tom
I don't follow hockey that much, but this could be historic if Boston wins. Only eleven cities in North America have a football, baseball, basketball, and hockey team....all four of them in Boston have won championships in the last decade. Regardless, this is a golden era if you are a Boston sports fan.
Correction: If the Bruins win, then they have won a championship in the last decade along with the Celtics, Red Sox (2x), Patriots (3x). Boston has had more championships recently than say, Philadelphia.
Vancouver's last - and only - hockey championship was last millennium; never mind decade. Not that it should change the players' motivation. We can only sit and watch - it really shouldn't matter so much, in the overall scheme of things.