Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China | ChinaHush I found this really striking photo essay. When I first visited China I was shocked by some of these scenes. There were some older american's in my hotel in Beijing from Pittsburgh that said it used to look like this here as well.
Re: pictures - polution in china bloody hell. Those photos are shocking. What a shit hole. Hopefully the Chinese will clean up their act. They won't have much of a country left if they don't.
Re: pictures - polution in china Charles Dickens once called Pittsburgh- "hell with the lid off" but now we have a new hell. But that Pgh couple must be eldery because that was before my time there, and I go back a ways myself. The China thing impacts Japan too they tell me as far as air quality. Liked the documentary photography.
Re: pictures - polution in china As I guessed the site named "chinahush' is blocked for me here. I've spent little time in Beijing and Tianjin so far. But indeed there are many days there when things only a km away are lost in haze. As a child/teen in the LA basin, the opacity was similar, but the smell and flavor (ozone and NOx) seemed much worse. Other reports do not find the CH air pollution so benign. Maybe I'm losing my sense of smell.
Re: pictures - polution in china anyone see the 60 minutes where they go to the town in china where all the bluejeans are made? they start out white and are dyed blue. every body of water that they get their fish from was blue. everyone had cancer. i don't buy bluejeans anymore. sad.
Re: pictures - polution in china Good thing we have Walmart to bring all their crap to us at a discount!
Re: pictures - polution in china Who says the U.S. is not the strongest nation in the World. Even as our nation shrivels up and paper money becomes ever worthless, we were STILL able to best China ... not with bombs ... not with financial might, but with our own toilets flushing. No, we don't have a new Pittsburgh-Hell ... we don't have a new Detroit-Hell ... we simply moved it over to the other side of the Pacific Ocean/Toilet bowel. I can't help but find a bit of truth in Agent Smith's famous speech, in the movie, "Matrix" when he describes humans: .
Re: pictures - polution in china Thnx I love the MATRIX, the video would not play but I think I know the part.
Re: pictures - polution in china There is a reason why the government steps in and says "hey business, you can't do that!". This is exactly like what the US and other industrialized nations looked like at the beginning of their age, and now China is going through it. China is toughening regulations as the US and other industrialized nations have done, and it will be cleaned up. For those that want deregulation and dismantling of government regulation agencies, take a look into the future. Honestly think that a business would rather spend a few million to process its waste then just dump it in the river if it was allowed to do both? One is free, one costs millions every year. Tough choice...
Re: pictures - polution in china ^^ You must be one of them liberals, trying to take away the Chinese people's freedoms.
Re: pictures - polution in china I'm a socialist, and getting government to meddle in everyone's life is my end goal. Oh wait, that is the republicans...
Re: pictures - polution in china Or they can GOP it and just not spend the money on cleaning up and preventing pollution, and build bombs and kill more poeple. but truley this makes me sad. Why can't americans stand up together and tell china they have 6 months to stop this or we as a country will stop buying everything from them. We are at fault to.
Re: pictures - polution in china Oh yea, I can see that happening. We don't worry about our cheep gasoline subsidies .... what makes you think the U.S. would approve of our WalMart junk costing us 2x as much due to toxic clean up costs. .
Re: pictures - polution in china Thank you for sharing. I spent 8 weeks in China earlier this year in Quindao, Shanghai and Shenzhen and it was quit eye opening. I think I saw one bird during my entire stay. China is a country of extreme contradictions.
Re: pictures - polution in china or, we could bring some of the manufacturing back here, where we already have fairly strict pollution laws. might make economic sense since china will have to raise prices to pay for cleanup.
Re: pictures - polution in china Imagine if US emissions were unregulated over the past 50 years, then look at these pictures....pretty tangible evidence of what America would look like.
Re: pictures - polution in china Just t'other day I was wondering at the lack of falcons in Chinese cities. There are Tons of doves (falcon food) and abundant nest sites (tall apt buildings with non-opening windows). The simple explanation would be that the doves are just subtoxic with injested pesticides, and that one more level of bioconcentration would be killer. OTOH there are lots of swallows and swifts, even in Beijing. So I don't quite have a handle on this yet. There are epic bird-watching venues in China. Most of them are not in the east-coast cities. Kunming's claim to fame is a large shallow lake just a few meters downslope from the city. It's pretty poopy. Other nearby cities with lakes that are few meters upslope, those lakes are swimmingly clean. Gravity.
Re: pictures - polution in china We could stand up and stop buying it, unless they prove they are fair to their workers and that they are not destroying the world. Why did mcdonalds sales not drop when they sold millions of lead tanted cups with happy meals? Do we americans let china and mcdonalds walk all over us like this? WE are the ones supporting them. We are the ones with the money!!!! When Bank of america made a employee take down her American flag that she put on on flag day. Why didn't millions of us go in their and close our accounts? Why do we not stop all goods from china when we find some are made with lead, or are killing children like the forumla, dog food killing dogs, and antifreeze in tooth paste. When this happens we should stop all shipments untill they can prove they closed the factory it came from for good and banned that company from making goods. I think the people we made the call to do these things should be charged with murder or intent to do bodly harm. If china won't do it we will take our trillions of dollars elsewhere..... America you there?