Hope this helps someone. Lately my 5 year old LG refrigerator has been making some loud knocking noises and I can hear a fan whirring I never heard before and wife reports it does not cool as well as it did. Which made me think when was the last time I cleaned the condenser coil? Um never.... You know if your headed for trouble if you take the bottom front vent cover off and there's a 1/2 inch of dust on the floor under the unit. Most modern refrigerators have the compressor & coil pack in the bottom back behind a metal cover. I took the cover off mine and it was all very clogged with dust and fur (doggies). The compressor was extremely hot as the condenser coil was very clogged and was not doing any heat exchange (simplified) Modern units have a big fan that's aimed right at a small coil pack condenser to cool the coil. The fan sucks air from the bottom of the unit so if the floor is clogged the unit will overheat. My fan was clogged up too. Tools need are: Simple hand tools poss offset P screwdriver Dust mask Vac with crevice attach Air compressor Vac'ed it all out good. And while wearing a dust mask you must go at the coil pack with compressed air. Just vacing does not even begin to clean it. While vac is running hit the coil pack with short bursts off 100 psi air as it will be a nuclear cloud of dust stored in there. Try to vac the cloud up. Remove the fan off its bracket. Some are easy mine was a pain. It required an offset phillips. Some may not be able to get out as its really not a serviceable part on some units. Now service the fan itself. Most fans split in 2 when unbolted. Clean it up and lube the bearing and shafts with this stuff: Shop 3-IN-ONE 3oz. Motor Oil at Lowes.com= The fan blade should spin effortlessly and quietly. If negative on either counts Google the motor part number on the side of the motor and get a new one. I put all mine back together and its purring like a kitten. On a normal compressor you should be able to hold your finger on it for 2 seconds without a burn. 1 and a 2. I caught mine just in time as the compressor was ready to fail from heat overload= New refrigerator. Your refrigrator can be totaled if not cleaned periodically. Good Luck!
A lesson learned as you caught that just in the nick of time; good job. I do periodically clean my refrig coils, but I suppose not nearly enough. Could the same thing be true of the Prius radiator; i.e. loaded with summer time bugs and stuff? I suppose your advice might apply to that ocassionly.
Cleaning the coils will make a fridge run way more efficiently as well! If you have a fridge more than ~10 years old, consider recycling the old one, and you will pay for a new one in a couple of years with the energy savings. Fridges have made huge leaps in efficiency in the last few years. The mistake people make, is putting the old one in the garage as a beer fridge,, extremely wasteful use of energy. Icarus
True, but because the garage is usually cooler than the kitchen, its efficiency might improve. Plus, it's easier to sneak another beer.
Good advice Ed. I have a bottom-freezer Kenmore that was new in 2004. Thanks to 2 cats in the house, I clean the coils and fan every Spring and Fall I can tell when cleaning is near as the fridge will start running a lot longer than usual. Clean the coils and it returns to normal BTW: don't forget to clean the outside A/C condenser for your home. A condenser coil full of leaves, lawn clippings, and dirt will run very inefficiently. If the dirt is really caked on then use a special HVAC coil cleaner that is safe for the dissimilar metals. I use NuCalgon products Nu-Calgon: Products: Coil Cleaners and Sprayers Make sure the indoor evaporator coil is clean too. Not only will it operate much more efficiently, if the indoor coil is dirty you could have mold/mildew and other nasty stuff growing inside
Side topic: I bet many don't know that LG is the new name for the former (Lucky) Goldstar. I guess it's a case of good (?) marketing to ditch the old name, which didn't have a very good rep.
Yessir! I posted about that very thing here as Jayman alluded to also about a month ago. Get some coil cleaner from Home Depot (specific anti microidal comes in a pressurized Blue can) and hose down the front ac condenser in your car. Let it sit and hose it off. Be careful with ac coils as you should only use specific ac coil cleaner. I have run into so many yahoo's that say just use bleach which is really really bad as it attacks aluminum. PLus nothing beats the hose out of the home OUTSIDE condenser. You will not believe how much dirt and debris from grass cutting that fan sucks into the coils. It's really hard on the compressor and makes the ac air about 3 degree's warmer inside. I did a very detailed post about that also. Search back my old posts. 30 minutes of easy work results in freezing home ac and alot less $$$$ on your power bill. Good Luck & thanks!!
What can we do to promote this thread to the top of the heap? Almost everybody has a fridge; almost nobody clean the coils! Not hard, just outside daily life activities. A right-shaped brush, and a vacuum to inhale the liberated 'schnutz' will get 'er done, or pretty darn close. Behind this should follow the thread on whole-house HVAC or heat-system air filter maintenance. Totally easy; totally ignored by way too many. C'mon PriusChatters, you are not dummies, keep the heat transfer and air flow systems kinda halfway clean. You bought them and you pay for the electricity to run them. Is this like, what, somebody else's problem? Ed gets +100 for starting this, but let us not suppose that the work will be hard in most cases. Just clean your dang heat-transfer coils as you can. If more seems needed, call a tech and give her the gas money you have saved with your Prius this year.
I figured out that mine needed it when it started needing a diaper. It would leak water out on the floor. It wasn't as bad as he described but it was pretty much packed with dust and junk.
One of the advantages of being married to a former appliance repairman, is that if something goes wrong, he generally can fix it. Like the time I came home from work and the refrigerator had been completely disemboweled - even the plastic lining shell was out! - as he had to replace the defrost thermostat. Five years later, it still works :thumb: He's pretty good at keeping all those things cleared out that need airflow. That, and we have Maytag everything.
I've cleaned our fridge a couple times, never as bad as EdtheFox described it, didn't need the compressed air (but I did use a broom to shake off some of the dust way back in there, I guess it depends on what you have handy). You're going to have to lay on the ground for this job. You might find some money while you're down there. Our house A/C system was giving problems last summer. The fuse blew a couple times, so we called a guy to look at it. Turns out the exchange in the furnace was clogged and not positioned correctly, so it wasn't absorbing the house heat, so it was in the wrong state (still liquid I assume) going out to the compressor, making the compressor work harder than it should, to the point of blowing the fuse. But the fan would keep running, so we didn't know anything was wrong except the house didn't cool off. That all came about because we had a friend of a friend replace our furnace when it went out while I was unemployed and wanted to save a few bucks (saved several actually). I could tell this guy was fighting with the ductwork, and looking at the plenum afterwards I'm not sure who won. Apparently he didn't do a very good job inside the plenum either, so now that we got that straightened out, it will be interesting to see what our electric bills will be this summer.
I knew that. But only because I worked for Zenith (the TV company) which was bought out by LG after making a series of bad decisions. Last I heard there were still a few Zenith engineers working on TV design in the Chicago area for LG, but it was nothing like the old days. I was in the network division - cable/satellite boxes - another one of their bad decisions - they had something like 90% of the analog set top box market, then just abandoned it because they figured digital was the next big thing, unfortunately it took several years for them to develop a working digital box. In the meantime, other companies picked up the slack in the market. Even so, this remained one of their few profitable lines, so they sold it to prop up their TV division. And that's how I became a Motorolan, for awhile. Sorry this is off-topic, but hey, its FHOP anyway.
Zenith TV's....man they had a run of really bad pic tubes made in Mexico back in the late 90's. It ruined the entire line and possibly Zenith's tv reputation. There early set tops sucked bad too. Upper management really had there head up there nice person in the mid nineties. They did everything they could do to destroy that company and there distributors were terrible too. Caine & Boltman in Tampa was ridiculous. They made a decent sat receiver though. I was quite familiar with that product and installed many dishs and very familiar with the descrambler boards too!
You can't tell how clogged the coil pack is till you blow it out. If it has surface dust its twice as clogged inside the coil. Or if its never been blown out its pretty clogged. Just like your home exchange you mentioned. If the condenser is clogged it doesn't cool the gas off and it makes the compressor overheat and eventually destroy itself.
Gawd. Go back 70-80 years and Zenith was one of the 'it' radio companies. Those things can be gold now. Check your attics...
Yeah, before I was born, my dad used to work for Zenith Radio Corp. (I think in the Chicago area). I know he's told me about how they made some of the best TVs back then. We used to have a vacuum tube based Zenith TV. It was outdated already by the time I knew what a TV was. It took FOREVER to warm up and made for quite a nice heater. It is sad that they went bankrupt and then got bought out by LG.
Kudos for posting this! I read the first post, heard my fridge turn on and start knocking, and said "Right, I meant to look into that." Mine was pretty terrible. I need to go out tomorrow for a proper brush, but I did clean everything that I could. The worst part was the the grille that's supposed to draw fresh air for the coils was probably 85% blocked by dust bunnies. Fortunately the fan spins free and the compressor wasn't too hot to touch for a two-count. If nothing else I bet I'll save a few cents on electricity next month.