Looking for an Honest Dealer In So. Jersey

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by chpgas, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. chpgas

    chpgas New Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Does anyone have any experience with a good dealer in Southern New Jersey? The ones I have been to have been caught in a few fibs. If you have a trusted dealer or sales person I would greatly appreciate your advice.

    Dealers I am close to are Cherry Hill, Liberty and Turnersville.

    Thanks! :)
  2. ScottY

    ScottY New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    2005 Prius
    Just wanna say... stay away from Hudson Toyota in Jersey City!
    Rude and wanted to charge 4k above sticker!
  3. chpgas

    chpgas New Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    News update:

    Liberty Toyota in Burlington has a "first come-first served" policy for the Prius

    Toyota of Turnersville is not taking orders at the present time

    Cherry Hill Toyota is taking orders with a $500.00 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit

    All are charging MSRP
  4. PhotoLady

    PhotoLady New Member

    Oct 29, 2005
    Medford, NJ
    I got mine from Cherry Hill Toyota. They did ask for a $500 deposit and put me on a build list.

    They had said that it could take up to 6 months, but usually wasn't. It took 2 months from ordering to picking it up.

    Main reason I went there, was that they had a demo!! I really wanted ot drive it before I bought it. B)

    There was no pressure to buy the extended policy or other 'dealer add-ons', but they were explained to me by the cashier - not by the salesman.

    My plates just came in and I am picking them up tomorrow. :D

    I had also called Liberty when I was looking. When I asked about a demo, they laughed and said that no one had one - you just order the car and took you 'demo' ride when it came in. If you didn't like it, they always had a buyer waiting.

    They called me several times with 'available' Prii, but they were not what I had told them I wanted. They said I would be lucky to get what I wanted and should be more flexible with colors and packages. :eek: Isn't the reason you 'order' one to get the color and package you want?? I can't see driving something that I 'settled for' for the next 4-8 years!!

    I also spoke with another Prius owner who got his at Liberty, and will not go back to them. They pulled a switch-n-bait on him with pricing at the last minute, but he was in need of the car, so he bought it anyway. ;)

    2005 Seadide #6 w/etched glass
  5. genalex

    genalex Member

    Mar 26, 2004
    Jersey suburbs of Phila.
    2005 Prius
    If you live in South Jersey, there's no need to limit yourself to NJ dealers. There are several competitive dealers just across the bridge in Philly. They will handle all the NJ title, tags, sales tax details. And you can take your car to any Toyota dealer for service thereafter.

    Here's a little known fact: New Jersey Toyota dealers are part of the New York distributor territory. Philadelphia dealers are part of another district, I believe it's called Tri-state. The special Toyota rebates and financing offers you see advertised on local TV are actually the ones applicable in PA, not in NJ. Example: Currently Toyota advertises a $1000 rebate or 0% financing for 36 months. But NJ dealers can only offer 4.9% financing. Another difference is that the option packages available in the two states are different. You can't get pkg 3 in PA and I don't think you can get pkg 4 in NJ. (At least you couldn't in 2005 when I bought my Prius.)

    I just helped my daughter buy an '09 Prius and after getting best and final offers from dealers in both states, the winner was Faulkner Toyota in Trevose, just north of Phila. The same dealer I had bought from in 2005. Interestingly, the dealer was able to swap a car with a Jersey dealer to get her the Pkg. 3 she wanted. In both purchases we found the dealer personnel to be courteous and helpful.