BBC News - Four-year-old artist's NY exhibition In the video they describe how she uses expressionist inspiration along with abstract qualities. Uh... She is just throwing goop on a canvas because at 4 years old, that's fun. This reminds me so much of how English teachers try to squeeze significance out of anything even when there is nothing there. I do like abstract paintings, and what she makes is tolerable to look at. But it doesn't take a genius to make it. Actually her stuff is better than some of things I saw at Le Centre de Georges Pompidou and Guggenheim.
I've been in art museums looking at a canvas covered in colored squares, and thought, "I could do THAT." If we gave our daughter a painting room of her own and tons of (expensive!) art materials as this artist has, she'd turn out elaborate, colorful, abstract works, too. And, she'd be covered in paint and glue herself! She'd have to add tape, though, her favorite art medium of the moment.
Ahh, her parents are artists. I think this is their work and they are using her for a marketing tool. She couldn't even reach the work on some of those canvases, despite some of them being cobbled together.
Several species of primates and at least one elephant have been in the news for their abstract paintings. When I lived in Syracuse I did my front porch in Jackson Pollack style. Yellow and red sprinkled over the dark green base. It was at least as good as the monkeys' work, I felt
I think it's good stuff. There's a general sense of proportion that's completely lacking in young kids' typical artistic endeavors. Sure, she's at the museum since her parents are artists, but who cares, what a cool way to spend a day as a 4 year old!
Sounds like the "Velvet Elvis" and "Sofa Oils" school of thought on art: If they can paint better than I can, it must be good art.
Quite a few elephants have been trained to paint. I watched several of them painting at once in Thailand. When I went to the elephant camp and saw the paintings on display, I thought they were fake, then a bit later I got to watch them paint. They were amazing. This elephant was the worst artist there but the only one I could get a picture of painting from where I was sitting. Another one did a decent flower arrangement. Looking at the video that Trebuchet posted and some others by the same group, I'm about 80% sure that I took my pictures at the same camp that the video was made in. It was someplace between Chaing Mai and Chaing Rai.