She was frequently tormented by her doubts. A person can spin that either way, depending on what they want to make of it. The fact that she kept on keeping on during her extended periods of doubt makes her more impressive in my book. I am definitely not religious and don't give her a pass on some of her methods, but believe her body of work as a whole was good.
Have you been on here all day? Are you sure you can sign off and get some rest? You might miss a post. Good night, Chuck.
You absolutely failed to address the issue of women not having access to the power structure of the Catholic church. Most of the western world has women who hold high positions in government and business. It was a 20th century phenomenon. I find it difficult to believe that a female bishop would tolerate the sexual offenses that the male bishops have tolerated. The Catholic church can enter the 20th century by accepting women as equals in their power structure. We can consider the 21th century after they catch up with the last century. As for "atheist organizations", there are no such entities. Just because Stalin or Mao claimed to be atheist, that doesn't establish much in common with a college professor who uses science as his belief system. There are thousands of charitable organizations that are not organized around the members religious beliefs. There are even more people who help others simply because it's their nature, without having an organization involved.
just wanna throw out habitat for humanity as an excellent Christian institution and a testament to the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.