I've always noticed the resemblance in the headlights, but that's about it. You have to be a complete fool to mistake it though, especially if you're a shopper. Lol. Nissan is somewhat reputable and has their own "look" at least. It is not a shameless copy like what Hyundai does with Mercedes. Pee-yew.
Oh and if you want a Gen II copy check out the Insight. LOL. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but seriously I don't know whether to feel bad for Insight owners sometimes.
@Dimitrij, Two things, 1) check the date of the post to which you are replying? Try not to needlessly resurrect old threads. 2) Check the forum the thread is in.
Are you finding this thread worthy of your attention? I think you are, otherwise you wouldn't be reading and commenting on it On a somewhat related note, the car that I regularly mistake for a Gen 2 Prius from distance is the Gen 2 Insight.
Oh, I see ... you keep reading this thread because you find it uninteresting, and commenting on it because you want it to stay dormant, correct? Here is a ridiculously unfunny joke "from the Old Country" on an entirely unrelated subject: - Ostrowski, do you like tomatoes? - To eat or in general?