I was getting ready to mount some more security cameras form my house and when I took a look in the attic I found this. Birds are the one of the animals I like but when they get annoying like this I hate them. I'm in the process of removing the mess now in the 120+ degree attic.
Well I need to go buy some screen to cover the vent. The current screen is a thin cloth like screen with holes in it. I'm going to get some heavy aluminum screen to use. Luckily there was just eggs and no baby birds. I got about 20% of it removed. Theres a good 4-5 garbage bags of grass there. I'm going to finish it in the morning when its a little cooler.
Found this while looking through my alarm footage. This is the same bird or same kind of bird that was nesting in my house. Look at that #$@!%! showing off.
There is a nice 100' tall tree just about 100' from the house. They can live there. The insulation is there. The boards are just tall. The house was built in the 60's.
That's a really cool actions shot! I have a woodpecker at one house that will not go away. And they are endangered so nothing that can really be done. I hung some strips of aluminum foil from the soffits and they flutter in the wind and scare them all away. Not bad for a couple cents worth of foil.
Meh. I went out one day last fall to find that a woodpecker had bored through my siding and emptied an entire stud bay of its insulation. That was a royal PITA to fix, and the only thing that seems to keep them away is shiny (read: ugly) pie plates all over the east side of the house. I put up what I think to be a compatible nesting box but I have no idea if it helped. That was just a small one. A pyleated just took up residence in the nearby woods. I can't imagine what that monster would do.
When I was removing the nest I actually seen the bird trying to get in. It seen me and I kid you not this is what the bird looked like before I scared it away.
Woodpeckers, and most other small birds, are deathly afraid of owls. I have an owl decoy mounted on a pole in front of my house. The woodys who used to peck holes in my siding have moved away entirely. I have noticed owl decoys on power poles, antennas, and lots of other places which might otherwise turn into nesting places.
Mockingbirds are VERY FEARLESS and territorial. A year ago, one was doing all kinds of obscene squeaking near it's nest and the hawk - five times it's size just sat there as if to say: "so what?"