I thought it would be a good idea if we posted tire coupons on this forum to help with the cost of maintaining there cars. http://www.goodyeardealers.com/cfmx...s/currentAd_salesAd.cfm?adid=304&ms=tampa bay Tire Coupon - Find Michelin, Goodyear, Firestone Tire Coupons » Discount Tire Coupons (Up to $80 Off) Kauffman Tire - Coupons and Promotions tires coupon codes. Find and share coupons, discounts and promotion codes for tires. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/dap_1015...gInd=DAP&catalogId=12605&i_cntr=1306611523583 Tire Rack Coupons List - no registration required These are just some I have found but I think if we can stay on top of this when the time comes for your tires you will know where to go to help you save money. Thanks and I hope we can keep this up.
Many thanks. I want to by some Hankook Optimo 727Hs before the snow flies; this sill bee good information to keep handy. BTW, I notice that tire rebates from the manufacturers seem to come and go. Is there anybody here with knowledge of how often the cycle repeats? (For example, say I just missed a rebate on a tire I want by Hankook -- would this rebate be expected back in, say three months?)
Vic - I just got a set of 4 Hankook Optimo H727's in April from Gripston.com for $317 shipped and they were real good to deal with correcting an order error I made. Hankook has a $40 rebate thru July 30 2011, (it came as a AMEX prepaid credit card). BTW I love these quiet tires! http://hankooktireusa.com/greatcatch2011/forms/GreatCatch2011_Rebate_Form.pdf
I don't want to buy until late fall -- there's no reason what I have won't go through another summer/fall just fine -- but thanks for the information and the help. Any chance we can turn this thread into a sticky?
Here is Michelin $70 rebate for puchase of 4 tires. Good thru 8/13/2011. Summer Savings: Michelin Tires
Just want to add another to the list for tire deals and coupons. SimpleTire.com/Tire-Deals has a good selection from Goodyear etc.