Charles Monde Toyota in Austin TX is charging $5000 over MSRP on all 2011 Prius. Toyota needs to rein in its dealers or else us long time Toyota customers may actually consider a Chevy Volt (arggg). Is anyone else experiencing this?
I just saw on ABC national news last night that a used 2010 Prius is worth $4000 more now than you would have paid for it last year!
I don't think that there is much worry about people defecting to the Volt - even if buyers were considering it, GM is making so few and I have heard that they will be shutting production down for a few weeks to switch over to the 2012 version and expand the line. Yes, the pricing does stink, but it is just the flip side of what happened last winter - unless you switch to a no haggle pricing model like Saturn had you will have these sorts of issues. Personally I thought that the Saturn model was pretty cool and they had some success when they started and actually made a decent car - it was the crap that they came out with in later years that doomed the company. I bought mine in late 2008 as the market for them was cooling. I felt luck to get it at sticker. I do not begrudge the folks who got sweet deals this time last year and I really do not begrudge the dealers right now.
I don't think there's such a thing as "price gouging". Pricing reflects what people are willing to pay. If you don't like the price, there are lots of other options. You can also wait a few months and see if the prices come down - chances are that they will.
Why weren't you complaining in January when 2010's were selling for under invoice? You should have bought when there were dozens sitting on every lot.
I would contact Prius regional and just wait, it's a dealers perogative (the price should read "suggested retail price). Most people believe that means that's the high price, but not necessarily the case.
Fuel is cheap, people ignore the Prius as not "worth it." Fuel goes up in price, people whine that Prius demand has increased. It is a universal truth, that some people whine no matter what.
'msrp' manufacturers SUGGESTED retail price. i waited 14 months for my 04 prius and considered myself fortunate that i only had to pay msrp for a loaded model in a colour i didn't want. we have options, there are plenty of suv's for sale at discount.
Remember the 2008? You don't wait till the ships sinking to look for a life jacket. It only took a few years to come full circle thanks to wallstreet speculators and a gutless SEC.
By the way, Toyota expects Prius deliveries to improve to 70% of pre-tsunami beginning in June, and fwiw I expect petrol prices to drop below $3.50 by the end of summer. Unless circumstances force the issue, buy when demand is low, not high. It is expensive to run with the herd.
The "market adjustments" are not just happening on the prius. Hyundai elantra in illinois some dealers are charging 1 to 4 thousand over msrp. Think back new vw beetle, pt cruiser and certain color or equipment packages were over msrp. Not all dealers are doing it look around. Mine said we will not charge over msrp when i got my prius in late april.
I think Toyota lovers will always stick to Prius. Just a bad time to buy with higher price. Yet it will still save lots of $ after buying it. We all know how good is our Pruii.:cheer2:
People want what they can't have, which is why nobody wanted a Prius in January. Crazy what a few months will do.
Let the sales manager know that your aware of his raising the price because of higher gas prices. Let him also know that your going to buy & service the vehicle elsewhere...they can make more servicing your vehicle then selling it.
$4,000 over MSRP? I wonder who actually bought one. My dealer used to charge $2,000 dealer mark up on every Toyota on the lot back in early 90's They stopped doing that in the late 90's Now, even with the Prius in high demand, there's still no dealer markup. They just sell them at MSRP.
We were shopping Prius today, one dealer was sticker and would not budge, the second was 2k over sticker and let us walk when questioned about discount. Steve