...some pedestrian bumps into your Prius, when you are stopped at a light, or at a stop sign. It's happened to me three times in about two months already. Generally I just grin, and say, "This car runs in stealth mode. You can't hear it, or see it. I'll have to remember to turn off the cloaking device next time."
Because your Prius is quiet is no excuse for anyone to bump into it.......it's quiet not invisible. I hope that your not parking in the crosswalks. !!! Keep a eye out for these people.......blow your horn next time.
OK, call me naive. I never see pedestrians in my normal commute. 1 Are you moving? 2. If stopped, are you in their crosswalk? 3. Are they jaywalking into you while you are stopped? 4. Is there some combination I forgot? Not related to the above, are your windows down?
Not parked, windows open half the time. It happens at stop signs and red lights, where I am the first car in line, stopped for the traffic control device. Some idiot on a cell phone, is too busy talking on the phone, when s/he should be looking at where s/he is walking. I don't like to use the horn, it gets other people mad, and you don't know who's packin' heat these days.
Sure sounds like you just stop too far out in the intersection, sorry. Assuming they are all at a stop, the blue cars are doing it right and the Dark car and red car is doing it wrong.
I'd crank up my Francesa Batastelli CD to "This is the stuff that drives me crazy". Maybe they'd look up if they couldn't hear to talk on the phone!
I would simply recognize what intersections are the problem ones for you and stop just a little more farther away than what you normally do. I'm a UPS driver and I don't like doing that, but it lets you watch people try to four wheel drive their feet over someone else's car instead of yours. Also more importantly, it gives you a little more visability and time before you enter the intersection and find out the hard way either a walker or car has yet to get out of your path or worst still decide to enter the intersection.
I've never had this problem, but I don't live in a pedestrian friendly area. If somebody bumps into your G3 while you're sitting at an intersection either you're in the crosswalk, or they're in the street (as excellently illustrated above.) In the case of the latter, they're jaywalking and sooner or later LEO (or Darwin) will catch up with them. I'd let one of those two handle it....
This has a potential to become an insurance scam like the crooks who stop short at slow speeds on streets and parking lots to cause collisions. We have to drive very defensively around pedestrians.
When I visited Atlantic City for 3 days, I swear those people have a death wish. Just randomly as you are driving down the road, someone will jump out from the sidewalk nowhere near a crosswalk and start crossing. Doesn't matter if traffic is coming or not, they just jump out like a deer and hope you can stop. Some of them had the mind to toss some non-essential item into the street first. Usually a lady with a stroller, leading with the occupied stroller. A couple of near misses there.
how can they not hear the squeal of the inverter? it's so annoying that i have to keep my windows up.