Where have I been the last 6 months? How did I miss details of the Tesla S? What was I doing? Just seen details on the Tesla S and WOW this IS the future of EV's. It almost makes the Leaf look ridiculous and weak with only a 100 mile range. The Model S has three range options 160 miles, 230 miles and 300 miles(presumably costing more and more), it looks bloody good and goes like stink! 0-60 in 5.6 seconds. Model S | Tesla Motors [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Model_S]Tesla Model S - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Tell me you wouldn't have one if you could afford it! In fact why have a BMW 5 series or Merc S class when you could have one a Tesla S? Where do I buy shares in Tesla?
Stock ticker TSLA I believe Yes, the model S is the car my wife and I are salivating over. Due out in June/July 2012. We are prop ably going to get the middle range option. And the other cars you mention are exactly the market they are planning to go head to head against. I believe they are shooting for a production of 20,000 a year. Long term goal (2-3 years after the Model S comes out) is to the come out with an economy sedan at much higher production numers. YAY!!
The new tesla is unbelieveable. Much better looking that the silly wannabe Elise, "Roadster." The styling, the numbers. It will be a huge success if people catch on. Even if it starts around 50k.
i like the car, but too much money. and the extra range is nice. i would just charge 3 times a week instead of 5 times a week like i do in my Leaf with its measly 100 mile range
From wiki: "On May 20, 2010 Tesla Motors announced it would form a partnership with Toyota to produce the new lower-priced Model S at the former NUMMI assembly plant in Fremont, California,[18] now known as the Tesla Factory." interesting!
I won't buy it. It is just too big. Infact many roadster owners aren't buying either because of this reason (see teslamotorsclub forum website) While it looks gorgeous in pictures, somehow in the small Seattle Tesla store it didn't look that great (I think it looks better from a distance because of its size). BTW, the 160 mile would cost 50K (i.e. double of Leaf) and the 300 mile one would coust 70K (nearly 3 times).
Haha, calm down now. I was thinking the same thing when I heard about the Tesla S several months ago. The reason why everyone's not going to flock to it and BMW/Merc/etc will still be in business is because of the Tesla S's proven reliability, safety, quality and materials, and actual range. All are big ????s at this point to make even the biggest enthusiasts a little dubious.
The Model S starts at $57500. Each battery upgrade costs an additional $10000. Apparantly the jump seats & panoramic roof will be options. Options & their pricing haven't been determined.
S-Class sales are at 66,000 a year. And bear in mind a specced up E-Class (either through option packages or if you go for the E-500/AMG) is the same kind of price, and merc sell 300,000+ E-Classes a year. With local governments promoting EV's (for instance in the UK if you have the merc as a company car then you have to pay tax based on the car's retail price every year, wheras the tesla you pay no tax. for the company, they can claim reduced CO2/greeness etc) i can easily see 5-10% of those current vehicles becoming Teslas instead. And when they hit three years old and enter the second hand market they will be an absolute bargain!
I agree Mr Flan. Even if Tesla take just 1% of the market segment they'll still sell a significant number and then there's the various Government incentives around the world to assist too.
did you see the model-s battery? it is a big flat slab that covers the entire bottom of the car. the rear motor assembly looks nice, too. more pics Tesla lets us peek in on Model S development — Autoblog
That slab of battery is going to make for a mega stable ride, and there's not going to be any road noise coming up through that!
One thing about this battery, though - how are they going to protect it from road hazards? You run something over on the highway and it might bounce up and stab your very expensive slab o' battery
You ever been worried running something over and it piercing your gas tank? i think that is a non-issue.
But what about flooded roads, crossing fords or even large puddles? The flooded road could be an issue for many. It might not be deep enough to stop a traditional car (not SUV) but what does one do with an EV with the battery so low down? Are there sensors or warnings built in or do you hit the 6 inch deep water and electrocute everything within 20 yards?
Grumpy have you seen a Tesla in person? They sit like 3 to 4 inches off the ground driving through a flooded road even if it was a conventional car would be impossible.