I got caught outside during a tornado warning here in Kansas saturday. No tornado close to me but hail the size of tennis balls shredded trees, rooftops, and windshields while I was under cover in a building. I counted 43 dents. A couple were almost 1/2-inch deep. Windshield all spider webbed. I must say the sunroof and the solar panel withstood with no visable cracks. One heck of a temper in those glasses. Insurance man said get in line, he'll get back to me. Sonavabi....!
we had the largest hail i have ever seen about a week ago and it was only a little larger than mothballs. but it was amazing to watch it bounce 3-4' off the lawn. i can't imagine what tennis ball size must sound and look like. yikes!
That's a bummer. You would think mother nature would give a Prius a break. In the words of Jimmy Carter, "Oh Hail."
I'm very sorry about your damage to your Prius. It's just like deja vu all over again to me. My 9 month old Prius was hammered May 10, 2010 by a huge hail storm. Here's the thread http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...enance-troubleshooting/80426-hail-damage.html Your damage sounds very similar to mine. Due to the widespread severity of the damage in the area, I waited until October to take mine in and it still took 7 weeks to fix (Oct 25 - Dec 15th) after they got it. (I just noticed your reply in that thread, see post #29) The total cost was $6,095.97. I hate to mention it but we have a large hail storm with golf ball to baseball size hail headed at us right now as I type this. It's only about 7 miles away. It may turn and hit Edmond, but It may not. We just got the new roof put on so here we go again. CRAP!
Whether to PDR or not will be determined by his insurance company. On my original estimate they "tried" to go with 100% PDR except on the aluminum hood. Only once it got into the shop and they pushed back on the insurance with the cost and number of PDR hours did the insurance company relent and adjust the allowed repairs to include a mix of PDR and traditional methods. PDR is great but on a vehicle that has a LOT of dents, it can take a VAST number of hours to do. PS, I'm checking for hail damage on my roof this morning. They're saying that this afternoon may produce some HUGE tornadic storms in OK today.
So sorry to heard that. Try Ding King http://www.amazon.com/Ding-King-Dent-Repair-Kit/dp/B0007N56L8 I have used it before and it works very well especially the bigger size dents. Good luck.
Sorry to hear about the hail damage! Been there. I had a 1-month-old Miata get dimpled (albeit slightly) by hail. Sux....but it can be fixed. Just be thankful that somebody isn't spray painting a "SAR X-code" on your Prius and looking for your next of kin. Good Luck..... Wait a few months, and have your car fixed by the best body shop that you can get with the insurance settlement.
Horrible day of tornadoic weather all throughout tornado alley, along with massive hail. I have a single noticeable small dent from an earlier storm this spring on the roof. Not gonna' sweat it!
Sorry to hear about your dent. The long track tornado that hit Piedmont yesterday came withing 11 miles of my house. These storms like to turn right and fortunately for us this one didn't. Rpeek2, any news on your damage?
Insurance agent said that a "hail line" will be set up then I will be given a time and place to I presume receive an estimate. Sounds like it may be a while.
Around my immediate area there has been no personal injuries just some varied property damage due to straight winds and hail. Other parts of the state as well as the surrounding states--the weather much more grim. Thanks for asking.
That sounds pretty much like what they did here last year during the big 500 year hail event. Last year I waited months after I got the insurance estimate before I even went to a body shop thinking they would have slowed down some. It didn't make any difference. Looking back at it now, I'd probably do it differently and "attempt" to get into a body shop's queue sooner rather than later. Either way, it's going to be slow once they do get you in. It's not the body shop that's slow. What I experienced was due to the extreme number of damaged vehicles, the insurance companies were backed up. So, I got an estimate from the insurance company and then got into the body shop. They reviewed the damage and came back with a counter estimate which the insurance company had to approve. It took a week for the adjuster to come back by the shop to review and approve the changes because they were so busy. This happened twice. So my vehicle was delayed 2 weeks while in the shop just waiting on the adjuster to come by with an approval to proceed. I know this happened because the shop called me each time to tell me they called the adjuster and when he actually came by. They were good about keeping me informed. (very rare) Granted, this was an extreme event that taxed all resources to the max. Your area may not be as bad and the time frames may be different. My damage was in May. I got it into the shop in October and it was out 7 weeks later in December. They told me they had some vehicles backed up until February based on the amount of damage. I hope yours goes much faster.