I just took my 2010 Prius in for a lube and oil change at 25,000 and the service attendant recommended that I do an Emission Tuneup and a full brake fluid replacement. I just checked the Maintenance manual and didn't find either of those listed. Am I supposed to get these done if I want to stay in warranty or are either of these just $$ makers for the dealer?:der:
They are just dealer rip-offs. If you are going to keep you car for ever, there are some extra maintenance items to consider. Some PC members have had oil analysis done and recommend changing transmission fluid at 30k miles the first time and then every 60k miles. That is primarily based on the amount of wear metals found in the transmission oil analysis and not bad advice for any transmission, whether the manufacturer recommends ever changing the oil or not. A complete brake fluid exchange at around every 4 years might also be worthwhile if you are going to keep your car over 8 or 10 years. Lots of people (probably most) never do either and get well over 200k miles out of their cars wothout problems in either area. Th emission tune-up is bogus. You might benefit from cleaning the MAF (mass airflow sensor) every 50 k miles or so, but as long as the car is running well and your gas mileage is staying good, that's probably overkill unless you do it yourself. You service attendant has shown he can't be trusted, don't turn your back on him.
Tell them that you will get those things changed after they show you where the h*ll the blinker fluid is located
:welcome: Greetings and Welcome Aboard! You need to change dealers. You do NOT need a brake fluid flush, and probably won't need one for the first 100,000 miles---if even then. Although I flush my motorcycle's brakes every couple of years (when the DOT4 starts to look like my morning coffee) I've not had to do this for a car (or truck) in the last 10 years. I've never even heard of an Emissions tune-up, and I strongly suspect that it's not in the maintenance schedule. Find out who manages the dealership, and email him or her a link to this thread. Tell them that the reason that many new car dealerships have reputations approaching that of politicians, attorneys and news reporters is because THEY are trying to jack money out of peoples wallet's for services that they don't need. Reason #436 for self-maintenance. Good Luck with your car! Really....you need to change dealerships!!