I recently got my Prius, and am going to attempt to get: BATINC (Battery Included). Don't know if it's taken, yet, but will give it a try....
Sorry, I don't get it. Usually on ones like that I assume it's his & hers initials. Don't think a front license plate will kill your mileage. The Prius grill design reduces the aerodynamics a lot more than the license plate. Same thing for your rear-view mirrors. I'm not entirely sure I get this one either, but I'm pretty sure it's before Facebook, so I think I know how it ends. Edit - ah, thanks for explaining it on page 2. And what are they going to do with that information? You see people's cars with their license plates and states on full display in every parking lot you ever visit, and how does that help the wackos? My info to the left says I live in the Chicagoland area, so it's no secret I have an Illinois license plate. Be careful, most people will probably think you run a company making bats. I would go for BAT INCL. My plate is LOTOLV4 and pretty much everybody doesn't get it right. I might get something different in the future. Illinois has some weird rules - it's cheap if you have a number at the beginning or end, and not all letters or all numbers (personalized vs. vanity), but you can't have a number in the middle (I wanted LOT2LV4, but couldn't get it). 7 letter limit. You can't get plates here with just one or two digits, those have all been given out as political favors decades ago and people hang onto them, but I heard in MN you can still get plate 1, nobody's asked for it (we're not so presumptuous up there). I saw a Prius in town with something like FN OPEC. I have a bunch of interesting ones written down in my car.
Another common abbreviation for battery is BTTY, but I don't think this will look good on a license plate: BTTYINC Another Alternative: INCLBAT
I agree with the other suggestions.... but, alas, MO only allows 6 letters. So, that's the problem that I'm running into.... Thanks....
Mine is "50 PLUS" My age and gas milage. BTW, all my vehicles have vanity plates. I love them. I usually change them every few years.
My 2011 Prius III has the plate TWONUTS That's what we feed the squirrels under the hood Actually...Me and the Mrs. figured it fit with our last name... TwoNuts...aka...Mr.& Mrs. Almond
LEAF U Not sure for the Leaf owner stranded after miscalculated adventure or a Prius owner... saying hey... no need to plug in... probably best suited for a Volt or Tesla user.
I've had F8L something on my vanity plates for the almost 15 years but it didn't seem to fit well with the Prius so I went with something different for once.
I wanted BROOM for mine... but, it wasn't available... sigh Recently, I've been considering 102ND ....bonus points to anyone that knows what that means
I tried to get one and couldn't, and then I saw the car that had it. I was appalled that the guy who had "CRM 114" had never seen "Dr. Strangelove" and hadn't even asked for it- it was just spit out.