Toyota Explores Wireless Car Charging - Toyota announced last week that it has signed an agreement with and is investing in WiTricity, a Mass.-based wireless technology company, to develop wireless charging technology for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids.
. [ame=""]Nikola Tesla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] .
Was it Google that we saw some pictures of recently with wireless charging parking spots? That stuff freaks me out!
But would be ideal for me and probably others too. No need to plug in only for vandals or idiots to unplug your cable when you're not around. You pull up at a space, get out and walk away whilst the car charges. Sure there'll be a loss in efficiency but you gain in convenience. You could have the option to plug in at home with the efficiency gains that come with that. Bring it on
Wireless...NOT...! Cordless, maybe, but not at a distance greater than a few millimeters.. Cordless, maybe as in the "split", two-part, power transformer used in my toothbrush.
well company is looking at 90% efficiency, and Toyota would certainly not invest in them if this was not the case. you know what was in my mind? I am sure it would be crazy expensive, but imagine tram-like wireless charging systems for the cars in the city.... now thats true future city!
I cannot wait for the day when at least some decent measure of a person's typical drive is 100% controlled by computers. Anyway this sounds like it would be bad for a person, cancerous or who knows what.
Although i dislike the efficiency loss, the increased convenience and safety (electrical, trip hazard, driving off while plugged in...) would probably be worth it.
"WiTricity’s magnetic resonance wireless technology can transfer power over distances ranging from one centimeter to several meters, through building walls and without direct contact between the device and the power source." So not quite "just a few mm". Useful if efficient. Perhaps we could use it to burn down a few more garages. -I- wouldn't call it "wireless" as that has certain connotations these days, mostly impossible ones. I'd still call it "inductive" or perhaps "inductive magnetic resonance". Or, if, horrors, we would tell the truth!!!!, "close inductive power transfer".
"..Usefull if efficient.." Other than CLOSE, mm level, magnetic coupling has anyone found a way to "focus" non-radiating magnetic waves...? Otherwise that's sorta like looking at the "efficiency" of the sun in heating the earth. One can only imagine the wacked-out power factor that would result from a "distant" magnetic coupling.