We may disagree on something from time to time Bra... but I ain't gonna make stuff up or put my words in your mouth and then say you're uninformed. Personally, I like the discourse... it also allows me to view other perspectives I may not have, so that I am a more informed man... but I won't lie about what you say. liardave did. Oh and mojo... I hope you don't take what we disagree on personal... my opinion isn't the rule of law, nor is my opinion the final word... but in my opinion... obl being killed by our military was a good thing. And I congratulate our POTUS for giving the order to do that.
Perhaps this is a good time and place to issue an invitation . . . Dear Westboro Baptist Church, We have a funeral you are welcome to protest. Its at the bottom of the Arabian Sea. Would you like some help packing? Sincerely, US Navy Seals
This is a very interesting thread.....a lot of hatred and animosity towards an obvious hobgoblin- reminiscent of something I read in a book or two about totalitarianism, fascism and manufactured consent. That's OK though. I am sure that this is no statement to the true character of America. Right? We aren't savages. We don't dance in blood or rape villagers. We don't shoot photos of of our "heros" posing and smiling with severed heads or other 'collectibles' from the theater. And we most certainly would NOT facilitate the pillaging of peoples or economies for our industrial gain. That's the stuff we are fighting against. We're here to "bring peace and democracy" to those who disagree, outright combatants, women and children alike with the sound of a drone controlled thousands of miles away by some kid in San Francisco. There is no cowardice in that- only technology bought and paid for with the labor of multiple generations to come at the cost of more legitimate interests. USA IS NUMBER 1!!! Hoo-rah! Go Team America!!! No thanks. I'll pass. You guys carry on though.
you know.... if you add a M and a I to OBL you get MOBIL maybe big oil is behind terrorism. :madgrin:
Obama on bin Laden: The full "60 Minutes" interview; 20/20 this past Friday On 60 Minutes tonight, there's an interview w/Obama on Bin Laden. I'm still watching right now as the show isn't over for me yet. Obama on bin Laden: The full "60 Minutes" interview - 60 Minutes Overtime - CBS News claims you can watch the full interview. Underneath the headline is "A riveting 30 minutes with President Barack Obama as he describes the weekend that made history" This past Friday, ABC finally had a decent 20/20 ep about the compound and a chronology instead of a lot of the crap they've been usually putting on. It looks like you can watch the full ep (split up into 7 parts) at Watch '20/20' Friday Nights at 10 p.m. - ABC News. They included a # of clips from the CIA director. I didn't know that they forgot to bring a tape measure to measure bin Laden's height. So, apparently, one of the SEALs had to lay down next to his body in order to guesstimate his height, 6'4". They mentioned that they took 10 computers, 100 thumb drives, 10 cell phones and a notebook.
Duck! The reports of the 2nd-in-command are not flattering - al-Zawahiri is not well-liked by many within al Queda If he had a crooked mouth, the resemblance to a recent 2nd-in-command here would be striking.
Not neccessiarily. It's possible the data found in OBL's computers may have compromised other terrorist "cells," preventing them from taking retalitory action. OTOH, it may take a while to digest all this new information and these cells may be able to continue to operate.
If you were Al Qaeda, would you go ahead with your plans knowing that they have been severely compromised?
You couldn't make this sh.t up! http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/05/09...ps-hillary-clinton-from-situation-room-photo/ Of course they quickly backtracked and issued an apology today. But the question is, why do something this glaringly stupid in the first place?
And now, Omar bin Laden is threatening to sue US for the illegal killing of his father. Of course, we don't have any proof that he is indeed Osama's son. Where is Donald Trump when we need him?