He should have been hiding in a cave like Saddam instead of living large in a mansion. He would have lived longer.
I'd heard on TV that people overloaded the Newseum's site because they wanted to see how front pages of various newspapers ran the story. See Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Gallery View. If it's aged off, go to Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Archive | Gallery View instead. I actually did visit that museum a few years ago and enjoyed my visit. Someone posted this on Tivocommunity.
Osama was unarmed when he was killed. Trained Navy SEAL(s) could have overpowered him. Should we have taken him alive?
Deserving of a thread in itself. Best arguments for killing him is during a trial he might be WikiLeaks II, al Qaeda demanding him back in a hostage exchange.
I almost started a new thread. I wouldn't mind if you started one (hint). I think we did him a favor by giving him an instant death.
Bin Laden was unarmed when killed, White House says - CNN.com The intelligence gleaned on the hard drives may be more important than killing bin Laden.
Yes. I don't want to celebrate the death of anyone, not even OBL. I celebrate the consequences of his no longer being alive. Still despite not wanting to celebrate the demise of anyone, it might have been nice if he had peed his pants, or crapped his pants, or cried like a little girl. You know, give him an opportunity to act like the hypocrite that he is or was. I guess that is a little sadistic. Maybe it would have been nice had he had a few more minutes to ponder his demise. But maybe that would look more like an execution. But is that any different than what we did? We executed him didn't we?
After what this man did, I hope they blew his balls off and waited before they blew his head to pieces.
I think this was done in a very businesslike fashion. The SEALs had to get this done quickly before the Pakistan armed forces had a chance to react, hence quick execution. Yes, it would have been enjoyable to see his final moments as a coward.....if that was the case - that might be what the White House should release. _____________________________ The Situation Room has six telestrators - TVs you can make notes on like football color commentators....can imagine the next Saturday Night Live doing a parody on this with John Madden in the Situation Room...."bin Laden...BOOM! BOOM!"
First his wife lunged at the special ops. They shot her in the leg. So hopefully he was crapping his pants then. Then they shot him in the chest first. He did have a split second to have the "oh #%^@" moment that I wanted for him to have. But the 2nd shot to the head also came very quickly, that ended it all.
We have heard accounts of Near Death Experiences of people that survived clinical death....a minority of them are very unpleasant. It's my belief bin Laden did not have a N.D.E. of 72 virgins or anything else pleasant.
The cartoon has sharp (and somewhat graphic) humor http://c0013749.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_5d66718
happy thats he dead because he killed so many but this may also invoke a hole new time of terrorist attacks because of his killing and maybe even with other means of wapens.... ( bio and nuclear terrorists ) because a lot of terrorist wil be so pissed of because it it! they will go a compleet new lenght to get the job done.
It has cost this country over a trillion dollars the past ten years--to get the Arabs on a democracy kick. Starting with Iraq. Then Egypt, Libya, Yemen, etc. OK, it's a good thing. But the cost has been staggering, and it's not over yet. Also, there are no guarantees which direction these countries will go. I've seen no evidence the Iraquis will repay us in oil discounts. The American consumer is still getting raped at the oil pumps. Obama's next battle after getting rid of that killer bin Laden should be with the oil markets and the futures speculators who are playing dice with our economy.
Which is what this country would have saved if bin Laden had been stopped before 9/11 instead of now....no involvement in Iraq or Afghanistan along will ill will from that part of the world, our debt situation less severe. bin Laden did all this, pitted Muslims against the rest of the world, caused more hate by a single person since Hitler.
worth a watch CIA Chief Panetta: Obama Made 'Gutsy' Decision on Bin Laden Raid | PBS NewsHour | May 3, 2011 | PBS
You're a fricken liar. Well if you meant I said those doses would be lethal in teh USofA, then you'd be a fricken liar. And evidently just like to talk crap. There ARE lethal doses being taken by the workers at the site... time WILL prove that, and the numbers of those brave and honorable men that are willingly standing in to do the work to make the plant less of a threat to their nation will become public knowledge soon enough, only you'll never read about it liardave because you don't really care about the truth do you... you spin and twist facts to suit your agenda... not the truth but your perception of what you want to be the truth. As for the faking of DNA evidence, I can't do it... but I do read a bit Bra... and the stuff I read said it is possible if you have enough coins/resources... You can look it up yourself liardave. :thumb: