How smoothly sly of you. Was this an honest typo, or were you hoping to 'come back' as something in particular?
I'm drinking Three Buck Chuck out of a plastic kids' cup from Ikea. The chances of me or my estate having enough money (or desire) to buy a tombstone are extremely remote.
I love 3 buck Chuck. Another good one is Walmart's (yes Walmart) Oak Leaf Pinot Grigio for 2.97. Chill before drinking.
I believe in the promise that I shall be called from my ashes. Death where is thy sting? :noidea: And when that call comes with my luck I'd probably just hit my head on a big heavy tombstone. :nod: I'll take your avatar for my tombstone, that way when the call comes I can drive away, unsupported flying scares me! Now that is just plain beautiful, I envy you, sir.
On a related topic, I can see the body of a notable death this week recovered and it's tombstone reading: "Gone fishing"