Can someone please explain to me what the difference is if I select steering vs Eco (or is it echo)? I can't find anything in the manual. Sorry for the noob question. Thanks in advance.
? There are four operating modes: Eco (economy), Normal (nothing selected), Power, EV (electric vehicle, all electric). Not aware of a "steering" mode.
If the OP is talking about the Settings screen, then "ECO" turns the ECO display above the Hybrid System Indicator on or off, and the "Steering Switch" turns the Touch Tracer display on or off.
When you push and hold display a column of items appear. Echo, steering, time, and somethiing else. So I'm trying to understand what selecting steering does. Did I explain better this time? I'd ask my sales guy but he's p.o.'d because I threatened him with the BBB today (another story).