I hope they enable recharging of the extra battery via regen. If I remember right the guys that test drove the plug-in said once the extra pack was depleted you couldn't charge it again via the car, only with the external charger. Maybe that will change on the production model.
I believe it has to do with discharge cycles and the life of the battery. In the HSD its not that big of a deal because the battery is not regularly discharged so the used range of the battery on any given day is pretty small. On an EV, you're going to be using a significant part of the EV battery's state of charge range everyday. If you filled it up and discharged it dynamically on the fly you would be adding a lot more discharge cycles that would limit the life of the battery. I'd be willing to bet Toyota can't allow regenerative charging of the EV battery and keep the AT-PZEV warranty requirement.
You're going to be waiting a long time for low prices ($25k) on a PHV 40. Sorry to say the battery tech is just not close and the challenges are wayyy difficult. Do some research on it. In 10 years it will closer.
You sure? Maybe read up on advanced car engineering to find out how complicated it is. The challenges are immense. Here's a PhD dissertation for an idea. View attachment Koprubasi%20KeremHYBRIDDISSERTATION.pdf