I'm looking to get a tracking number for the Prius we ordered. The dealer say's that it's coming in mid-May, but I'd still like to track it. Is there a website that I can go to and type in the tracking number and see where the car is at in its process? Thanks so much in advance. - Austin
How many different cars do you buy in a year?! I know the unfortunate demise of the Gen1, then the GenIII, then I thought a Volt, and now a GenIII again? I know there is a place you can track your custom order via the RFID transponder tag if it is so equipped. The "where" part eludes me though...
Haha, the Volt was Brads. There's a long story behind that. I, myself have only had a 2001, 2007, 2010, 2007, and now a 2011 Prius.
Our dealer told us that Toyota isn't accepting anymore orders until August. Initially we were told six weeks, but since the earthquake it was changed to "we don't know". One would think Toyota would have better order tracking but they don't. My suggestion is to expand your search and buy from in stock inventory.
I put in a "special request" for a 2011 Prius Five with ATP back in February. It was suppose to be here in mid May also, but I receive an email from my salesperson saying they don't know when it will be here. I'll be cancelling my "special request" here soon since I registered for the Plug-In Prius.
Wait...you've had/will have 5 different Prii and you're sixteen (or perhaps now seventeen) years old? Sounds less expensive to just go charter a private jet!
Hmm, interesting. I hope it's here before July rolls around. I heard that Toyota opened back up like three or four days after the earthquake?
This is the message I got. Toyota has had the plant reopened awhile now their slowly increasing production but their not going to be up to regular production levels until Nov or Dec next year so yes their behind in their orders because they were a good 3 or 4 weeks behind before they re-opened the Japan plant and each day their even further behind so add up the months till they reach full production levels and by then they'd be behind even more. Hope that helps and best of luck. By the way if you made the order before the terrible disaster in Japan then you're probably okay. Also I am sure that if you called up or contacted their main customer service hot-line you'd find out from them what is what.
Or you could just befriend That_Prius_Car and maybe his parents will buy you a Five with ATP. It worked for Brad
Okay, wrong car then. Which car was it that was in Brad's name but your dad was paying for it? There were so many I lost track.