13 pages about a spoiled college brat who's whining about his buddies. Real men drive what they want and don't worry about what their buddies think. So sell the Prius and redefine yourself. Then come back and tell us what kind of man you've become.
Four pages and nobody has suggested the obvious way to show the orientation of your car. Car Nutz will show everyone and make it obvious. Since the Prius is small, you'll probably want to go with the 4.5 inch version. Seriously though, no one has ever challenged me about my Prius. My coworkers did briefly comment that it was quite a change from my previous vehicle but my confidence and explanation of the car's abilities shut them up and now several of them own their own Prii. Frat brothers are a whole different breed. They're going to give you crap about anything they can if you let them. Be thankful your parents provided you with ANY car and just smile inside and get through it and you'll still have extra cash in your pocket when the frat brothers don't. Good luck.
So do your Frat Bros like visiting all girls schools 50 miles away and still want to have $ left to have food the next day? Just hate on OPEC a little and remember to pronounce car's name with a lisp.
It was interesting at first with the far away speedometer, but never liked it much. HSD, yes. I'll rephrase that .. I would like to see a more 'mainstream' looking cockpit design in the 4th gen regular Prius (also posted in suggested improvements section). I bought the 2009 in Aug. 2008, only hybrid hatchback on the planet besides HH and failed to rule it out due to #$^$! seating.
I got a half hour of ribbing in break room day after buying my 2009 Prius - 'you bought a what? Oh Gawd! You should have bought a Vette or something, anything ... Prius? hahahaha!' That was nothing though. Not being able to see well while driving, legs crimped up with no support, now that's b.a.d. in my book. Who cares what other people think about the car. If you like it, great. At least give it a few months or so to see if you really like it, or not.
I bought mine this past December.... one for me and one for my wife. I haven't had one person say anything negative about the Prius, or make fun of my masculinity Actually, over the last two months with gas going up, i've had more co-workers with envy over my car than anything else. When people are commuting 30 or more miles each way to work.... well, you know what (other) people are going through. Vic
Same here, any crap from co-workers, I just ask them to sit in it before they judge it. Once they're settled in behind the wheel, I turn it on and point out the MPG Gauge (which is currently sitting at 59.7 mpg at a half tank), that usually shuts them up pretty quickly... I like to leave my gas receipts laying around my desk also, normally with the actual gas mileage calculated on them in pen. Something about going over 250 miles on under 8 gallons of gas seems to command respect!
I was talking about exterior styling of the Gen II. Pretty far out to most people and they've mainstreamed the Gen III styling a bit. Considering that, it's just funny you say they didn't have to go far out with the cockpit design.
Your parents gave you a car. To send you to a university. :rockon: Wow. You sure have it rough. :cheer2: Are you kidding me? Seriously....................... :violin:
I was waiting for this foolishness to get into the 130s to repost (actually I was gone). I spent the weekend driving to Chicago (200 miles each way) in a '99 Taurus dragging a trailer. This was to help my son move. By the way I never bought him a car. I got 16 mpg and spent over 100.00 for gas in two days . Boy, that cost sucked my nuts up! I guess that would make a Taurus a girl's car and me a girl. Geese I'm a homely girl-all is lost.
How about a nice brass or chrome scrotum hanging off the back bumper. Sounds manly to me. A Rebel flag or gun rack in the back window will also help. Just helping out from the south. .
This made me lol. These posts about military craft made me reminisce a bit of my paratrooper army days of many moons ago. I can remember having a vague opinion that the guys that opted for the tank corps wanted a metal womb to feel safe and strong. Honestly OP, if you cannot handle the ribbing now, you are *really* going to dislike how you are treated when your frat finds out you caved in and switched cars.
I recommend replacing the standard estrogen infused oil with testeroil. However, be careful not to overdo it or your Prius might transform into an F-350. Tom
Actually, the OP may not be able to sell the car without his parents permission. The initial post says they gave him the "family prius." Did they pay it off and retitle it? Or did they just continue to make payments and allow him to take it with him to college? My mostly female coworkers were less than enthusiastic than I expected when I told them about it. One felt obligated to bring up a comedian that makes "prius jokes." I took the high road and held my tongue when this same person complained about the $75/week she puts into her SUV. That doesn't actually fill her tank, she says, because the pay at the pump option max's out at $75.00