My mother is getting ready to buy a 2011 Prius She drives 100% highway, 110mi/day driving an avg 75mph I'm guessing shes going to get about 39-42ish mpg She's a hard driver... Do you think my estimates are correct? What do you think her avg's will be around?
I just completed a 250 mile trip, half at 75 mph and the other half at 70 mph. My average was about 45 mpg at 75 mph for the first half and I ended up with 50 mpg when I completed the second half. This is on the MIF display. This would calculate out to about 42 mpg at 75 mph and about 47 mpg for total trip. This is due to the roughly +6% error in the display mpg.
There was I don't know if there was a more up to date graph.
The Prius is a wonderful ride for anyone making an effort to be prudent, efficient, and willing to exploit the virtues of the Prius. Driving a steady, 73 mph on interstate roads, I consistently get over 50 mpg. Rain will lower the mileage, as will extreme cold weather. Driving "steady" is a key component. With no intent to "judge" you Mom's driving habits ... something makes we cautious that perhaps she is unwilling to develop habits that work with a hybrid. If that is true, maybe she should consider another high mileage vehicle ... as suggested above. Good luck ... your Mom sounds like an interesting person.
We just made our first highway trip in our Prius. About 200 miles and my wife chimed in if I ever let it drop too far below 80 (she hates long car rides). I had been averaging 54 MPG in mixed use driving before. I averaged 41 MPG according to the MFD today. We hit light traffic as we got closer to our destination and my speed dropped to 70 MPH. Average jumped to 47 MPG for the trip. This car was not made for 80 MPH cruising but it does great anywhere below that.
It really depends, is there a wall between the opposite lanes where she drives? I can drive at 70+ on 285 here in Atlanta and get nearly 60mpg. The wall really helps air flow (my theory). Anywhere else if I drive that, yeah mid 40s tops.
Unless you live on the onramp or a service station, you probably have some city in there. Most grocery stores and the like are slightly off of the interstate as well. Commuting on the highway, as the others said expect low 40's with absolutely no effort on the drivers part. Then be comfortable in knowing that the 5% of the time you drive in the city, you are using the car fully. Also keep in mind the maintenance costs are almost nothing. The "transmission" isn't, and is so simple that there is nothing to break. Any battery worries should easily be dissolved by looking at the 300k+ thread.
Depends on the state. In Oklahoma the speed limit is 75mph on most highways not in heavy traffic areas. Many cars doing 80-85 too.
The noobs drive too fast. It's easy to tell by their posts - I don't even have to see who's saying what. 65 mpg or under is ideal for me, and then I employ Super Highway mode whenever it's safe. Slow down. Enjoy the ride. You'll get to your destination!
No car gets great gas mileage when you want to push it 80mph all the time. And if the driving is 100% highway (which is most likely overestimated) then you don't need a hybrid to save money on fuel. Ford, GM, Volkswagen will all tell you what great fuel efficiency they get with highway miles.
Re: Expectations I usually get between 45 and 50 when I'm on the interstate, and I usually keep it between 75 and 80. As others have stated, she'll probably get better mileages when she's not on the super slab if you can keep her from using the throttle like an on/off switch....I usually get between 55 and 60 in town. As for whether the G3 is the "right" car for her? Only she can answer that. Right now is a really good time to have one, but maybe not such a great time to buy one. Best of Luck!
When I drive 75-80 mph I get around 34-40 mpg depending on the wind. I can get 50 mpg if I keep it under 65 mph mixed with city driving and driving like I'm 80. I just don't understand how you're getting these impressive numbers.
I would check your tire pressure. They are probably under spec or at spec. Bump them up to 40's. I've never had a tank average that low and I drive like a bat out of hell with triple digit speeds. Currently on non-LRR sticky tires...