In any event, it makes my heart go pitter patter. It reminds me of a 58 or so ex-Zambian defense force Rover I had the privilege of driving and fixing. With her aluminium body and in line 6 (I assume). What a BABE!
OP where are you......? Yo, TPfun what would you have to say to the OP,s query? I am curious to see what you have to say. My two cents drive what you want. I have only owned three cars thus far in my life. I bought and paid for all three, never had the luxury of having a car given two me. My last car was a Saab 9-2x which is a badge engineered Subaru WRX wagon. Comparing the Saabaru to the Prius is hard because they both are meant excel in different performace areas. I am happy to have bought my Prius and love driving it. It is nice not having to shift in traffic, use premium gasoline, get new tires every 20k or so, ect..... I guess I grew up a bit and am driving a more mellow possibly,more mature car now I just wish I could open the Prius up like I could in my former car. I recon I might have to get a project car or weekend driver. But to the OP again drive what you want, but it would be silly to turn down any car Prius or not.
this thread is great. frat bros: cmon, be a man. sell the prius priuschat: cmon, be a man. keep the prius
Hey guys, look at it this way... Xdpker really should sell the Pirus and buy another car. If he doesn't like that one or gets tired of the color, sell it and buy another car. The poor State of California really needs the revenue from all the sales tax he is going to pay. As my father told me long ago - a fool and his money are soon parted. Keith
what's wrong with "chick" cars? 1. find the nearest bar 2. unlock all the doors 3. open all doors 4. chicks jump in 5. get laid
With a face like that (your avatar), that's the last thing I can imagine that you and your Prius would see.
I recall Ashton Kutcher driving his black Gen3 in LA & during a segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live. I also remember reading him buying his wife Demi Moore a black Gen3 after her Gen2 got ruffed up. But then again I don't let others opinions cloud my judgment. I finally woke up after getting tired of trying to please other people except myself. I leave you with this quote: "In order to achieve greatness, you need to stop asking for permission."
Weird...I can get laid on just about any given night...and I don't live with a dozen men either. Strange what a different perception can bring you.
She has 4 cylinders and makes about 58 HP when everything's working their best. The distributor retard/advance is calibrated down to 70 octane for the gas you might find on the Maisai Mara after the long rains. If that's not available, I think she would run on bacon grease and dirty mouthwash and the hand crank could get her started if the battery was weak. With the overdrive transmission and low vs. high gear ratios, she runs in 16 forward speeds and 4 in reverse. She's a 1964 Series IIa Land Rover and can be outrun by fast camels, medium speed gazelles, or our Golden Retriever. Although she will never win a race on the flat, the 40 to 1 gear ratio, in low/low/low, means she could creep to the top of the Machakos Escarpment and the light-weight aluminum body helps keep the shiny side up when others call the grade impassable. Some would call this a manly car, until they notice my petite and fearless daughter at the wheel.
I think these wheels would help your Prius look better. Too bad they don't come stock on 3rd Gen ... btw, there are just 2 versions of 2012 Civic Hybrid shown, but neither of them have cruddy plastic hubcaps. Too bad Toyota doesn't have a more normal looking interior for Prius. IMO, don't need to get so far out there with the car. Look, it's a speedometer in front of the driver
Okay, we're up to 112 posts in this thread... Not sure the exact number of members who have posted, but it would be interintesting to see the ratio of men to women who are members posting in this thread! That figure will probably debunk OP's theory that the Prius is strictly a girls car...
I believe there is an inverse correlation between the "macho" of your car and the size of your penis.
You know, I'm European and are currently studying on a university in Belgium. I drive a Prius too, even the previous model which looks far less sporty than the new one but have never had negative reactions from other students. Whenever they drive with me they are impressed by the electric driving and the smoothness and speed with which it accelerates (since almost everyone here drives in a 4-cylinder with manual gearbox and with that its extremely difficult to keep up with a prius Especially girls think its a very cool car Offcourse the difference here is that the car is pretty rare here and most people of my age drive in old little hatchbacks, so a prius is quite different than people are used to. And honestly, when you drive in a very pimped out car which makes a lot of noice and such, most people here think you're sad and need to compensate on something.. Just be glad at least you're driving a real car from the 21th century, the rest probably still drives in cars that are still stuck on a concept from the early 1900's. You can call them grandmothers for driving in such oldfashioned cars
The difference is probably as simple as: You are attending a University to obtain an education where as OP is probably just wasting his parents money on an extended, unsupervised, social interaction. I'm convinced you will fare much better in life than OP! Just an outsider's observation...
Wow. Just wow. Now that you point it out, I don't remember seeing many women driving Prii. It is mostly men. Anyway, try growing a pair. P.S. If it is a gen I, they were pretty gay. =)
Hi Xdpkr, Check out the posts made by "HawaiinBuilt" . He is into the boy-racer styling stuff, emphasis on boy. But, allot of this stuff you hear about the Prius is made-up. Many people who are in life in jobs commonly considered to be macho, are driving Prius', and have for been since the car was first introduced. There is a story on here about the Marine Harrier Jump Jet Pilot pulling into a gas station in with heavy tint windows, and then getting a noticable reaction when he got out of the car in his dress uniform, with a chest full of medals. There is another picture on here of a Prius parked next to an SR71 blackbird, both hybrids...