pump replaced? mine is fine no noise no triangle of death etc.. and the other water pump is fine too. I have read many stories where people take in the prius for the inverter pump replacement and end up paying 600 for a engine water pump sounds like a rip off, so that is why I ask and looking for an honest dealership, not sure if those two words go together lol
I'm not a fan of replacing parts that aren't broken. Unless there is a mileage or time restriction I would wait. The new part has a 1 year unlimited mileage warranty. If you notice symptons then swap it out.
There is a time restriction. Per the letter at http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ump-dealer-letter-technical-instructions.html, "This program will be offered until November 30, 2013". The letter also states what can happen if the pump fails, which can result in an inconvenience.
When the inverter coolant pump fails, this will be a sudden failure. I would recommend that you have it replaced before the LSC expires. Regarding the engine coolant pump, it is pretty easy to inspect that yourself and ensure that it is functional and not leaking, prior to taking the car in for service. I also am surprised at the number of posts about that and am wondering how many of those pumps really needed to be replaced.
An honest "Stealership", that's a good one. But seriously, if they tell you the engine water pump needs replacing you can always say no. I would learn about what constitutes a bad pump, so you don't go in there blind and end up getting taken. And make sure they prove to you it is bad or going bad.
OP, are you clear on the difference between the engine coolant pump, and the inverter coolant pump ? I bought both. I replaced the inverter coolant pump as part of my 125k DIY maintenance, and I have the engine coolant pump on my shelf if needed. I paid about $125 for the set.
If the manufacturer is offering to replace a part they are recalling, it's usually a good idea to take them up on the offer. They realize that there is an issue... We had ours done. No issues.
You can use my dealer, Kirk Toyota in Grenada MS. (you do not list a location) If I want extra service, more than Toyota requires, I have to insist. They examine my air filters and do not replace them until dirty, I had to repeat 3 times that I really wanted the transaxle fluid changed at 60,000 miles rather than 100,000. Drop on by, they will do the least they can, and I mean that in a good way.
The thing that really concern's me is the number of threads dealing with people taking their prius to some dealer and having the problem with not getting all the air out of the system. I also have the unfortunate choice of somehow getting a non running prius 100 plus miles to a dealer for the free pump change... But getting the vehicle there is another thing. 2nd. Im not even sure they use a Air lift or do it the old fashion way... I hardly doubt they are going to spend hours bleeding the system. I had this same dealership look a honda Hybrid civic on a recall issue and it ended up a disaster. Half way in with the car pulled apart they found the electric inverter{ a 4 -6 inch section} sandwiched between the CVT and the engine block. They claimed they seen "RUST" in there..... and therefore... Honda has rejected paying for it !?????!!!??? Now they wanted over $4000 to fix it...!......... I told them forget it !... give me back the car !!!.... BUT they tell me they have many hours into it {pulling it apart} and want thousands..... yeah right.... well I told them forget it... months past.... We talked once in a while...finally they called me and said $700-800 {cant exactly remember} and I take it away basket case} The fronts wheels were not stable,flopping around.They had disconnected both front axles and the engine was wrapped with a chain holding it weakly in place and a box full of parts... Almost impossible to load on the trailer. It took over a hour. At one point the service manager had a roller jack under the rocker panel which I cautioned him not to do... Sure enough the thing slips and crushes down the rocker panel area! I had to go over and sit in silence for a minute or 2 as I totally lost my ...ah..... ah.... MoJo..... yeah thats it! I could of raised Hell for that but did not..They never offered to fix it or anything!~ I drove the thing in without the IMA working. They left me with a pile and crushed the rocker panel on the passenger side rear... Claimed they changed out a IMA electronic Box .. {NO way} I had checked it out on my own earlier using the Honda Civic shop manual and it was perfectly fine! It also was the exact same one... They just took me for someone who didnt have a clue what was going on. I would have NEVER bought it into a dealership for just about ANYTHING. I rather do it myself for the most part. But as i was calling for parts THEY claimed it was under warranty and HONDA would fix it for free! ...Hmmm ... I had a bad feeling about it all along... I eventually had a friend of mine take it in his private shop and for $300 had it back together and up and running with no extra parts and a brief "cleaning" in no time flat. Finally conclusion... Unless you buy it brand new from a dealer and want to not ruin a warranty deal.....I would NEVER take a car to a dealer unless I absolutely know the owner personally. I simply dont trust them. Oh, I bought the airlift and did the process myself. Eventually, I might drive it in to a dealer somewhere. Hopefully I'll get a good recommendation here and have the warranty work done. But I am gonna insist they have a Airlift or similar... No using the old fashion method with the bleeder screw.