I recently acquired a 2005 Prius with 17k miles. So far I am very pleased with the fuel economy. I commute 72 miles a day through urban settings, interstate, and country backroads. The screen shot you see below is pretty typical for my Prius. 55+ mpg is right on the hairy edge of my driving skills thus far. It is always floating down to 54.8ish and then I have to work to get it back up to 55+ mpg. Running the A/C during the afternoon drive home doesn't seem too detrimental to the fuel economy as far as I can tell. I'm surprised at that.
Oh, I forgot to mention that when I first got it I switched to Mobil 1 5W30. At my next change I'm going to switch to Mobil 1 0W30, hopefully that might improve the numbers during the warmup phase of my daily operation.
Yes you could. 0W30, 5W30 and 10W30 are all basically 30 weight once the engine is warmed up and in some sense are all suitable. 5W30 is usually preferable over 10W30 because it's more efficient during cold starts and while the engine is warming up. 0W30 should be even more efficient while warming up but still offer roughly the same level of protection as the above when hot.
I have a 2008 and have 44K miles on it. Max fuel efficiency I got on an average is about 47 with no AC or Heat. With AC/Heat it goes down to 44 - 45. I wonder what I am doing wrong to not get 55 MPG, would be cool to get that boost in MPG with these prices. I do, - Have the Tire pressure on a higher side - 50% City and 50% highway - Mostly alone, sometimes 1 to 4 passangers Any tips would be appreciated.
Hi SWprius08.What size/model tires do you have? Many people report the touring edition with larger tires getting slightly lower MPG than the standard model prius. The length of you trips and you route will also make a significant difference.
SWprius08, I don’t think I am an experienced enough Prius driver to give “tips†to you. But I can tell you how I drive at this current time. My wife and I commute together. I drive 60% with her in the car. She doesn’t weigh much though, I don’t know the impact of her 115 pounds. Speed limits on my 72 mile round trip commute are 65, 55, 45 and 35 mph and I usually travel at the posted limit. Tires are inflated to about 38-40. [FONT="]Goodyear Integrity branded[/FONT]. I use only BP regular, but this shouldn't matter too much. I usually keep the MFD on CONSUMPTION setting. I try to keep the average mpg bar graph as high as I can by favoring the throttle on flat runs and descending grades. I’ve read enough on PC to know how to “Glide†and do that when able. Also I accelerate moderately up to speed as recommended here in PC even though doing so seems counter intuitive to me. Since I know my route very well I try to maximize the use of the HV battery by carefully controlling the throttle ahead of known descents and then use the regenerative braking to recharge and hold my speed down to posted and acceptable speeds. I do my best to maximize my MPG not at the expense of decreasing other drivers MPG. Forcing others behind me to slow down, and then speed up as I speed up is something I avoid. Is this the style you use?
Keep at it. I personally will run no a/c as much as possible( i live in the south its hard) with just the drivers front and rear window down about an inch. I have found that keeping the SOC as high as possible really makes a difference on the high speed portion of my trip( 43 miles one way. 55,35,55,70,45mph zones) I use pulse & glide as much as I can and focus alot of gaining as much regen on my coasts as possible. GOOD LUCK!@ here is mine from this week - still struggling to break over the 60(even though i know i really need 62mpg)
Hello like some of you guys i am no expert at this but for the last 5 months i have been avg between 60 and 61 mpg with my 2005 prius i now have 110,000 miles on it. I drive roughly 600 miles a week from 60 mph down to 35mph. I used to avg between 54&55 mpg with all the factory settings. I changed from 5w30 to Amsoil 0w30 and switched from goodyears to new Bridgestone Ecopia ep422 running 42 psi front 40 psi rears after first 4000 miles of tire breakin period where my mpg avg dropped to 51/52 mpg since then have not had a tank of fuel that i have not gone at least 630 miles in between filler ups. As far as ac is concerned I have experienced significant fuel economy drop from running ac which sucks considering I live in Florida
I changed my tire pressure from 42f 40 r to the mfg recommendation of 35f 33r. I noticed No decrees in fuel economy. In fact I went from an average of 45mpg to 46.4 mpg. So over inflation of tires is in question.
I have the base model and was using stock tires (Integrities 185 65 15) till 41K, then I had to change the tires because of the wear. I chose 195 65 15 (GY Assurance fuelmax), with bigger tires I still get the same MPG, considering low revs on bigger tires I do see a tiny bit increase in the MPG, but that is because of better tire. I am trying to find out what are best practices of driving to get optimum MPG. I am thinking it is something to do about the way I drive.
No I dont, I use the same old style of driving a non-hybrid car. I dont monitor as much as you do. I got introduced to the pulse and glide concept few days ago, so I am still trying that out to see if that works. On my 195 65 15 GY Assurance fuelmax I keep 45 42 PSI. My daily work commute is only about 10 miles, most of the miles I put on my car is on unknown roads or roads that I dont drive everyday. That could be part of the issue. Thanks for helpful information. I can now compare my way of driving with yours.
Yep, I'm starting to think that there might be a problem in your Prius. I think the problem is somewhere between the drivers seat and the steering wheel. Seriously though, what I mean is it might come down to driving style. Perhaps there is less to be gained from lower rolling resistance if you don't do much "gliding". Or what about if the majority of your driving is at really high speed where air resistance can totally dominate over rolling resistance. Maybe a hypermiler might notice much more of a difference and some people notice much less.
Gliding? I do drive the posted speed limit, in Maryland it's 65 and 70 in West Virginia. What is this "gliding'? Do you mean..Instead of driving along at a steady 60, you instead accelerate to 70 (that's the pulse), and then coast in neutral with the engine off down to 50 (that's the glide). That's it. Rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat... That is very dangerous I don't believe I could drive that way on my roads.
I'm getting better with the mpg. This screenshot shows my new norm with my daily commutes. Still aiming for 60 mpg!