Hi. I'm currently studying at college. My parents were going to buy me a new car over the summer (i wanted a WRX), but they ended up giving me the family prius. My fraternity brothers won't stop giving me crap about my "gay" and "woman" car. Anything I can do to make this car manly? Thanks.. I'm desperate.
If petty criticisms from your frat bros make you "desperate," the best thing I can say is, give it some time. After your frontal lobes grow a bit more, these things won't bother you so much.
It seems obvious that driving your Prius off a cliff will solve multiple problems. It would be even better if some of your frat brothers went with you. Put a couple extra in the back, the Prius has plenty of cargo space.
Check out the mods section of the forum: Gen III 2010 Prius Accessories and Modifications - PriusChat Forums Throw a body kit and some wheels on there, make them envy your 50 mpg :rockon:
Pay extraordinarily attractive girl $20 to pop out of the car in front of your friends and start talking about how she was totally drawn to you cause of the hot Prius. Or just start going to gay clubs and pick the guys up for free. That'll teach 'em.
Don't listen to everyone else They're all fools. Just buy a lamborghini gallardo body kit and slap it on Don't forget to rip off the muffler too Everyone else should just shutup
I know a couple years old now, but did you read this article/survey from the NYDailynews.com - "Are eco-friendly cars the new date bait?" (I'd post the link, but this is my first post on PC). Google it. Prius' look great modded. Check out all the images on this Forum and the net. There is life after college, the Greek system is great, if you do it for the right reasons and not "scoring", but receiving an education, so you can treat your wife, hopefully like your Dad treats your Mom with respect. All the best...
Davis has a higher ratio of educated people than most small cities and guess what a lot of those people drive? Yup, you guessed it a Prius. They are everywhere in Davis. If they are not driving a Prius they are in some other economical car. It's what smart people drive. I live here and the difference in vehicle choice is pretty significant.
Thanks for all the responses. Even the hateful ones. I'm considering selling the Prius and just buying a different car. THanks a lot guys!
That is weak-nice person. How disappointing. I've never seen ANYONE give up that easily. Your parents give you a Prius, you should be grateful. Those frat boys don't sound like your friends at all. Man up bro. Right now, all these PriusChat members are being more manly than you.
It's hard to think this way at 18, or whatever age you are (not that I'm much older), but barring immense family wealth that will be shared with you for the rest of your life, when you make your own money you'll find it comically absurd that you sold (or hopefully, considered selling) a brand new car that was bestowed upon you for no work!
As a UC Davis alumn I'm especially disappointed. Actually I really don't care because other than the occasional visit to Fuji's I'm done with that place.
Sacramento on the other hand is definitely not Prius territory. Everyone drives too fast on 80 so the Prius will be a little out of place. To the OP, ignore the haters. You should also consider the VW GTI , can't go wrong with German cars But if you intend to keep it for a long time, stick to a Honda. Toyota does not make anything close to a Civic Si.
I commute to Auburn everyday. 65mph is not bad on 80 most of the time. Going 60mph or less would be problematic unless you just don't care about other people. lol
UC Davis has it going on with the advanced vehicle research center. Forgot the name of the professor, but he's hugely respected in the field. Is it prof. Andy Frank or SLT? UC Davis: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Research Center : The Growing PH&EV Team
I've given your dilemma more thought and realized that you are correct. It seems that your university education is already paying dividends. As compensation for my harsh and hasty reply, I'm prepared to offer you $10,000 for beer and party favors in exchange for that Prius, that has already threatened your masculinity. This should be sufficient to rehabilitate your reputation with the frat bros. As long as the beer holds, you're the man.