I noticed today that my cruise control quit working. Car has about 58K miles, the "cruise" light comes on when the button on the end of the switch is pushed in, but the device itself doesn't work. Can anybody point me to what the problem might be and give me some idea of what the dealer will charge? Many thanks!
It could be the cruise control stalk, the brake pedal switch, or the ECU. We can't really say more without addition information. Tom
I don't think so. Would that have stopped the cruise control from working? Things have gotten stranger. I noticed the problem Saturday. I didn't drive the car at all on Sunday. Monday morning I made an appointment to take the car in on Thursday for a diagnosis/repair. Then I had to run an errand Monday afternoon. I drove off, checked the cruise control ... and it worked fine. I canceled the appointment when I got home.
That was probably it, then. It wouldn't be the first time I did something stupid. Come to think of it, it probably wasn't the first time I did something stupid that day.