I purchased my car used with only one smartkey and I am trying to purchase a second one for the wife. Never did I know that it was so expensive... After browsing via the catalog on Auto Parts - Parts.com, For Every Part of Your Life, I ended up with this link: 2004 Toyota Prius Electrical - Parts.com Can somebody please verify this is the correct Smartkey module I need? I didn't see an option for w/ smartkey and w/o smartkey. Thanks, Anthony
Buy it from the dealer and have the dealer program the car to accept the new fob. Buyer beware if you purchase it elsewhere.
I don't think that is the correct one. MSRP on a Prius SKS is 201.26. You should be looking for part number 8999447061 You absolutely cannot program the smart key without a factory level scan tool. At best, you can get the car to start up with the key in the slot. If that is all that you want, then get a used key off ebay.
I am already fully aware of the problem reprogramming a used FOB. Parts.com is affiliated with Championship Toyota, which is the dealership to fulfill the order...saving almost $100.
Thanks! I was able to pull up a item with the part# via the catalog. What is the going price of getting the FOB programmed? I called around to a few dealerships and they're looking for close to $100..total rip.
Please tell how you will program a new FOB. If it can be done without Techstream, that would be news to me. EDIT: missed your last post; Because it requires Techstream, I think you will be hard pressed to find it for less than a 1 hour labor charge. Your best bet is to find an automotive locksmith that can do it.
Awesome. I went ahead and ordered it with the part# you provided me for ~$153. Is there any chance that an independent automotive locksmith with Techstream can mess up with the programming? I don't want to go to one and then they somehow mess up the programming and put the blame on me saying that the key wasn't a virgin.
As long as they are using Techstream. They may have some generic type of programmer that could cause trouble for the car, there was a story of that recently where a non-Techstream key programmer undid some zero point calibrations.
Thanks man. The key came in the mail and I was able to locate a Toyota dealership ~20 miles away to program it for free, though they did not cut the key...I was in and out within 30 minutes.