Hi All, I'm taking delivery of a 2011 Prius II before the end of April... dealer says "car's in the mail." I love the fact that most of you seem as persnickety as me about getting things right. I've been searching around to see if I could scare up a TSB for the pre-delivery checklist for the 2011 model year, much like the one that someone posted for the 2004 model year (which I'm not allowed to post the link to yet because I would have to first pollute the forum with 5 dummy posts... but it looks something like this www . vfaq . net / docs / Predelivery.pdf), but no luck. Do any of you have one that you could pass along? Looking for original PDF, scanned images, digital photos, anything really. Thanks and keep up the good chat!
sorry, here in FL we have the PSI initiated by our previous governor... which i failed to implement in that post for the TSB. FWIW, TSB in this context is "Technical Service Bulletin"
Hey, Judgeless, TSB = Technical Service Bulletin [a procedure developed in the field and/or by the factory (to check or repair something) that came about too late to be included in the big factory repair manuals]. I know WTH means "what the h_ll", but I don't know what your TLA means. Care to share? And while you're at it, what does PDF or pdf stand for as used in TJ Minski's post? I know it has something to do with computers, but even though I'm using a computer to type & send this, I don't know a lot about them (just enough to get by). Cheers. Edit : Wow, I've got to learn to type faster. There were only 2 posts when I clicked on the "reply" button. But I did have some interruptions for puppy feeding. We have 3 smooth collie pups. My wife has delegated that responsibility to me while she is out in Tulsa, Oklahoma for the Collie Club of America's national show. Last night the show was interrupted for 2 1/2 hours by the tornado warnings. There was no basement/cellar in the building they were in (an airplane hangar), so 3 women (my wife & 2 friends) & 2 or 3 dogs took refuge in a closet for the 2 1/2 hours. Their immediate area wasn't affected, but she did tell me that 2 people nearby were killed & 10,000 people lost power. Ken (in Bolton)
TLA = Three Letter Acronym TSB an auto industry standard acronym and standard practice. It's not Toyota specific.
Hey, RRxing, Nice job finding that document for some of us who have the 3G Prius (not me though---maybe later on down the road---I'm happy with my '05 with 108,000 miles). Thanks again !! Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
too bad i can't click the "thanks" button once for each doc. Thanks RRxing! i'll be looking for ways to reciprocate.
yeah man, that's cool. failing access to current info i'll take whatever i can get within the generation and extrapolate from there. RRxing has hooked me pretty nicely.
Welcome Aboard! :welcome: Good Luck with your PDI and the car in general... There's a link for a G3 owners manual on this site somewhere in PDF format, in case you have trouble sleeping nights while you're waiting for your car to come off the ship. Lotsa good info on the site. Good Luck!