2011 Chevrolet Volt, $40,291 - Cars.com This is from cars.com. Irony that the listing is in GM's backyard. GM has delivered around 1500 Volts, and this listing hints that initial demand is satiated -- at least in that dealer's market. Anybody still think GM is going to produce 60k volts in 2012 ?
We most likely will be in the car market again either later this year or early next year. Both the Leaf and Volt will be in consideration, along with the other Prius options of course. Everything will be on the table. It will be interesting to see what we'll end up with. Right now though, the Volt is dead last due to both price and lack of room. $40K for a four-seater just doesn't cut it for our family situation.
Not that even the 5 seat Prius is that great for moving the family; however, it does work. Albeit with a bunch of "he touched me" "she won't move her knee" crap. The 4 seater is just a NO WAY.
In this economy, I doubt that many can sell. But then, GE is buying 25,000 Volts with our bailout money.
Me and the wife are in the market now for another vehicle and after what we have read and test driving leaf a few weeks back are leaning towards a new leaf. Other option we have been looking at is a used prius with hymotion phev conversion half the price of volt with better fuel economy. I love the fact that U.S. automakers are stepping up quality and economy of there vehicles but still do not match imports.
unlikely but it really depends on gas prices, and availability of other high MPG cars (Prius, Elantra, SkyActiv Mazda2, etc)
judging from the bidding patterns on ebay, $40k seems to be about what people want to spend: chevy volt | eBay