I like to keep all my cars at least 15 years. I just donated a 1995 Tercel to charity. How long do you plan to keep yours?
How long I plan to keep it and how long I actually do are never in the same ballpark LOL. I plan to keep it at least 10 years (would more than double my prior length record), but usually the urge and itch to get the latest and greatest takes over prior to that. The nice thing, is that I got this 2 yrs ago when it just came out, so I figure 3 more years until the latest and greatest regular Prius/Hybrid (plug-in not considered in that figure).
A similar question would be how many miles to keep a car. At the minimum, I will keep this car about 4-5 years or 60,000 miles.
until the Prius gets bored of me, but since it's an inanimate object that does not have feelings, then I will keep it until it dies (hopefully a peaceful dead, not a violent and painful dead in an accident)
I have a habit of trading cars early. My commitment to myself is that I will keep the Prius for at least six to eight years, if not longer. This is the first car I have ever purchased that has all the features that I have always wanted... as a result I plan on keeping it as long as possible. I only put ~ 12,000 miles/year on a car, so even eight years in, I should still have < 100k miles.
3 years for now. I'm leasing it right now, so I'll have the option to buy it, but if I can get a good deal* rolling over into a new lease for something shiny (like, say, a 2014 Prius? ) then I might just do that. I love the Prius, though, so it might be a hard choice! *understanding, of course, that a lease is a worse deal than buying it outright, but my priorities are elsewhere right now.
Not counting you also save a boat loads of money to keep driving your "used, but still safe and reliable" car, instead of trading up to new car every few years.
If like my previous vehicles, I will plan to keep mine in the 10 year neighborhood. At 16k miles per year, that would be in the 160k range. That is why I continue to change oil every 5k miles and the transaxle at 25k so far and every 25k afterwards.
I've had my GenII since 2005 (131,000miles). I plan on keeping it until something significantly better comes out. If the Prius C gets 60+mpg then I would consider getting one but that is a couple years out.
Until 2020, when i will get something like a gen2 Model S, or 5-series EV, or E-Class EV. End of 2012/begin 2013 i hope to fit a plugin kit that allows EV at 70mph and has ~40 miles EV range.
I just hit 100k trouble-free miles (6 years). I can see keeping it until there's something significantly better on the market, or about 9 years, whichever comes first. Richard
I Kept my Avalon 8 years. Only traded it cause I wanted a Prius. Avalon was still running fine. I will keep my 07 Prius until Toyota comes out with an EV That fits my needs or a Plug In Prius that gets more than 75 MPG. In the meantime I love my 2007 Prius.opcorn: