my in-laws just moved over-seas and took there prius with them, they need to install a rear fog light kit it's Belgian Law to use them in all heavy rain as well as fog and snow. Is there a kit they can buy? if not some person at port will end up just drilling into the bumper and just slaping one on... they are looking for a cleaner look and something that won't jack up there bumper if possible. Any and all help would be great. they have a 2010 Model 1 Prius Thanks everyone!!
See if you can get a picture of what Priuses sold in Belgum look like from behind. You might be able to use a bracket instead of drilling holes in your bumper. You can also do a little internet sleuthing and see if the closest Toyota dealership in Belgum offers the OEM (there, not here) lights for the Priuses sold there. There's a biiiig difference between fog lights and aux lighting...make sure that anything you buy here will be accepted there as for-real "fog" lights there. There's probably someone on the forum from the Continent who can shed more light (no pun initially intended...)
See However, the photo of the Gen 3 with the rear fog is no longer available, unfortunately.
I don't know how the US taillights are built. But it looks like that you guys do have white reverse bulbs in both taillights. If so then change it with a bright red one and cut the 12V wire to the bulb. Install a simple switch for 12V to this bulb with a LED that shows that the fog light is active. IMHO, a very simple task any garage can do for little money.
I lived in Amsterdam years ago, and we shipped my then-wife's car over. It needed to have the headlights replaced (fortunately had rear fogs standard). If it's the same in Belgium, you don't have to get any required mods done until you want to register the car (i.e., not necessary to have done before leaving the entry port). We had the work done at the local Volvo dealer (I'd suggest your in-laws starting at the local Toyota dealer to see what they recommend). The company shipping the car should be able to provide you in-laws with info and references for local companies to to the mods.
You can install a aftermarket one from Raybrig. "R041 Rear Fog Lamp"
How about this? Note that the fog replaces the clear reverse light on the driver's side (this is a RHD Prius). You can simply switch out the clear bulb from the driver's side reverse light with a red tinted bulb and change the wiring at the foot panel to the fog light switch. This would be the easiest way (also the OEM way) without buying a taillight with the red fog light.
Hello I have done the following installed fog light switch to run off 12v. Switch works fine lights up. The wire to bulb where on bulb would you connect the wire I know it sounds basic but first time I'm doing this diy rear foglight on a car
Message @HAWAIIANBUILT (Rodney). He just installed a JDM Stanley rear fog lamp on his prius for ToyotaFest.