I got sick of seeing TCs and their rims all over the Inland Empire, so I decided to do this: Stock rim (with Scion centercap): Taping off lip: Primered: Blue Triangles: Lots of blue triangles: Taping off triangles for black: Finished taping off: Black!: Peeling tape off: Finished Product: All 4 Drying:
It looks good matching to the car. Just enjoy the results from all your hard work. Yet, personally I would not go through all that trouble. It's a lot of work.
That's a pretty sick look man! Can you go into more details about how you did it? Just use regular metallic spray paint or air brush?
Rustoleum from my local Home Depot. I just primered the shiza out of it. Once that dried, I painted it the colors I wanted. Once that dried, clear coat. It's not hard, it's just a pain in the arse taping everything off.
Maybe you could do the same thing with the tC rims. Do the inner portions of the spokes blue with black on the outer face. They'll look a bit like these Weds, which shawnb2 is running:
omg. Those are sexy. They're got a few more spokes than the TC rims, but same basic idea... Dammit. Now you've got me thinking.
Haha... Glad I could help in that sense. Would love to see the finished product if you do go through with it.