Darn! Looks like I got the wrong stuff.. When I picked up the front clip I also stopped by a Toyota dealer an asked for inverter fluid... I didnt think much but about it till I opened it and it looks Red. But it's concentrated... A little research here and i come to find I got the "first generation" toyota long life" ..... it appears there is 2nd generation "Super long life"..... DID I JUST WASTE 28 BUCKS??? ....or can you use it in both generation's 1 + 2 ?
Yes, you want the Super Long Life Coolant. The dealer should let you exchange it, but I do understand that they are not close to where you are
Thanks Seilerts, Im gonna have to make a online order.....Hopefully....? Geeze... You would have thought she would have asked me ..."Which Type"..? Knowing full well there was 2 different types... very bad.......
$28 is a pretty high price, last time I bought SLLC coolant it was in the low $20's and LLC was priced about the same. Since you already bought and opened it, you can use it but note that the service life of LLC is only 30K miles (vs. 50K miles for SLLC.) And you are right that LLC is concentrated, you should mix with distilled water to achieve 50% / 50% ratio. OP opened the coolant so its not likely it will be accepted for return. It usually is hard to get the Toyota dealers who sell parts over the web to ship batteries or fluid since both are considered hazardous material. Also, the cost of shipping a heavy substance will be relatively high compared to the price of the product.
I didn't see that the bottle was open. They might refund if it says 2005 Prius on the receipt. It never hurts to ask. Somebody on ebay has a Buy it Now gallon of SLLC for $24.94 shipped.
Good News!!! I just discovered from the closest Toyota Dealer {200 miles} that "Toyota Super Long life" or "Long life" can be purchased through CARQUEST......!? I found this to good to be true {we have a carquest in this remote area} Figuring there must be a mistake here I called Carquest and Low and Behold .. They have ""Long Life" and can get me "Super Long Life" in 3- 4 days...by dog sled...... .........................................................just joking on the dog sled... But the only catch here is they are telling me the "Super Long Life" comes in concentrate too....Just like Long life... IS THIS POSSIBLE ? I asked them numerous times "are you sure it's the "Super long life" and NOT "Long Life" ..? ...and it is also Pink and not red..? They claim it is so....Well I ordered 3 gallons.. @ apx. $21 a gallon. Hmmmm... If that is true...... Thinking about it now.... I just "over ordered".... as one Gallon makes 2... So at 9 quarts {fully empty if obtainable} 2 of those "supposed" concentrated SUPER long life gallons would do the trick. Anyone out there ever see Concentrated Super Long Life Coolant ?
Aghh... Ok I called Toyota dealer...... Got the part #'s of each coolant. Called Carquest.... Indeed they are getting the Super long Life EXCEPT they made a mistake in calling it CONCENTRATE...... They now realize it is a 50/50 mix.... sorry for the confusion {On my part}