special ed is a costly burden for all communities. one child moving into a system can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars that are required by law to be taken from the other children in lieu of increased funding. and all aspects of education budgets are stretched to the max, not unlike health care. on top of that, property taxes go up every year and many peoples incomes are shrinking due to inflation. yet, no real answers offered by politicians, experts or special interest groups.
Saw him on TV yesterday. While the headline of a 2nd grader being pepper sprayed is provocative it really seemed like the decision was justified. This is a kid who just completely looses it. What would the mother say if he had hurt someone or if the kid had been injured when the police were trying to subdue him. This is the exact reason for things like pepper spray and tasers. By the sound of it this kid needs to get used to being pepper sprayed - this is just the first time of many that it will happen.
Ask a teacher about problems with special ed and they'll give you a very long list. There are issues with funding and burdensome rules. Now throw in recent reductions in spending on education which means that residential and staff-intensive programs get cut, pushing very difficult children back into mainstream schools. It's trouble.
I work with teenagers that are very much like this kid. Most of my kids are using drugs, have had several run ins with the law, gang involved... The very sad thing is there is a serious lack of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
What better display of maturity could we ask for than that, thanks APKid! BTW, I don't think Hidyho appreciates you calling him out in this manner. Show some courage and take it to the unmoderated FHoPol for a post to post showdown like the real homunculus' you are. :yo:
Also saw the story on TV. Sure glad the police showed up when they did and glad they could subdue the boy before he hurt someone else or himself. This is one screwed up kid and situation, it seems. I will not be surprised to hear 10 years hence if something very much worse happens concerning this individual, and that the news story will begin with "Remember the 8-y-o that was pepper sprayed by police in school a decade ago?..."
Remember this. Almost every county in every state has a juvenile detention center. The age of detention rages from 8 yo to 10 yo and up. A lot of those detention officers are armed with pepper spray and almost all are authorized to use force. I'm sure you can put 2 and 2 together. kids getting pepper sprayed is nothing new.
It seems like people have forgotten the "spare the rod, spoil the child". My parents got me with the belt when I was bad, and I didn't do it again... When a kid's punishment is to go to their room and be alone where they watch tv, look at videos on youtube, and text, it doesn't really send a message of "don't do this again". I see a very direct relationship between parents that try to be their kid's best friend and those that parent and kids turning out to be decent versus brats. Of course it can go too far into abuse, and that usually churns out more delinquents that are violent and carry on the tradition. But a few well thought out lashes with the belt is generally a good answer to a kid that won't listen to words.
My friend when she was 5 wrote on the walls with a crayon(what kid doesn't do that?). Her mom slapped her across the face so hard she was knocked to the ground. Needless to say, my friend no longer does that. Is that what your talking about?
Well it was effective wasn't it? That seems excessive for a crayon, but if she was a repeat offender, then yes. I doubt your friend suffered any permanent disfigurement or trauma, her mom's walls remained crayon free, and life went on.
I'm pretty sure your friend does not use crayons to write on wall at this late age. The question is would she do the same thing to her daughter today? Discipline is a core component of raising children. What is described there is an emotional outburst, not discipline. There are better methods.
There are proper methods of corporal punishment. slapping across the face is not one of them. smacking hands or backsides is. it truly is a scary situation in schools. you look at the kids and try to figure out who's going to make it in society and who doesn't have a prayer. there's so many screwed up kids out there, and in most cases it's not their fault. this is the result of many factors including the breakdown of the family, drugs, and what i can only describe as genetically passed mental illnesses. at some point, we're going to need to bar the mentally unstable and chemically imbalanced from reproducing. let's see, dad's schizophrenic, mom's bipolar and manic. is there any question as to why their kid might be disturbed?
I think there have been a few studies on the reproductive tendencies of those with stable minds and higher IQs that show they have less children and later in life if at all. Whereas the not-so-bright and low lifes generally procreate constantly. 5 babies from 1 cracked out addict, versus 1 kid from the family in the suburbs... The numbers will eventually sway in favour of the crack heads.
Maybe we need a law that says only those of above average looks and intelligence are permitted to breed. This is taken care of in much of the animal world when the weak are weeded out by predators, and only the strongest dominant male of the herd breeds with the females of his choice. Somehow, the human equivalent of watching sports isn't having quite the same effect on the species.
I thought that in most animal species -- at least those that don't form monogamous pairs -- it is her choice, not his. He puts on the display, she chooses.
That depends on the species. With most herd animals, a male establishes dominance and all of the females in that herd become his mates. The female gets to choose, but she chooses from a group of one. It's not a free choice. Tom