Hi Guys! I'm wondering what speed you have maxed in your Prius. I achieved 90 today and thought it was a little risky!
I briefly reached 91 mph in my sister's Gen II. The acceleration downhill was so smooth and fast I was truly surprised.
I got the feeling people around me were very surprised to see a Prius passing everyone else. Fuel economy wasn't on the agenda that day. :madgrin:
I held a sustained 90 mph for about 50 miles last week. Had to rush home from work in an emergency - fuel economy be damned!
The gen3 is electronically limited to approximately 112 MPH which reads about 115 on the speedometer. I have had mine to that speed once and it felt very stable, the good aerodynamics help a lot at higher speeds. The gen2 is limited to a lower speed, mine topped out at 105 by 106 by speedometer. It did not feel quite as stable at speed as the gen3.
You have to do it when you are alone in the car, then don't tell anyone (except on Prius Chat). When I tested my two Prius(es), I was on a long, straight, deserted stretch of highway. I figured if anything went wrong I wouldn't hurt anyone else, and there were no cops around either.
Sorry, but 'my' Prius is a company vehicle... My beloved company puts GPS units in their trucks, and I can report that we have had employees diciplined for speeding violations. I can also report that my unit does not have a similar unit installed. My highest speed? Uh....in excess of 70MPH.... (I've heard that you can do about a buck ten....)
I haven't had my GEN III over about 85 but it feels like it would be stable at top speed. In 2008 we were traveling across Nevada on Highway 50 (Called the "Loneliest Highway in the World" by the tourism business and Nevada State gumnt.) doing a nice easy 85 mph cruise in our Corvette when we were passed by a Prius that had to be going 20 mph faster than were.:rockon: