I too push the park button and then power off as well as orange cones and tether. But lately I have began removing all rear hatch pieces and disconnecting the battery. This insures if for some reason I have become confused, mad or frustrated and skipped step two I wont drain the battery.
Yup.... Page 166: Auto “P” position function If the “POWER” switch is pressed while the hybrid system is operating and the vehicle is at a complete stop, the shift position will be automatically switched to “P” at the same time as the “POWER” switch is turned to OFF. However (comma!) The manual also states in numerous places that you "should always" engage the parking brake when you park your Prius.....so you devotees of all things written should always do that too. I don't have a choice. My company policy requires me to engage my parking brake when I park my car and place orange cones out if the vehicle is parked in places other than in a parking lot. FWIW....I always just hit the power button when I turn my car off though....
Very good reason ETC(SS) to press Power instead of Break. I got my car 3 weeks ago and more than one time I almost left my Power on. Thks
On the '05, I'd usually hit park fist and then power. But occasionally I'd just hit the power button without thinking. On the '11, the power button is where the park button used to be, well, pretty close anyway. And I automatically just hit the power button. Funny story we heard last week while buying the new one. A lady came into our local dealership and couldn't understand why her car would never lock. She'd had it on for the previous six months, continuously. I guess she NEVER hit the power button! They are so quiet! Every once in a while (usually after he's been driving the Tundra) the Hubby would put the '05 Prius into park and just get out, because he thought he'd turned it off already. I laughed at him, until I did it once too. Sadly he was there to witness it and I wasn't let off the hook.
MY Prius knows that if the Homelink button has been pressed twice, the brake is released, the driver door is opened and 200 lbs of weight is removed from the driver seat, I'm home in my garage and it damn well better press its own button. :deadhorse:
Attach the orange cones to the corners of the car with electromagnets. That way they will automatically deploy when you power off the Prius. Tom
I'd have to attach a metal base to the cones to get them to work with electromagnets, and then some low-octane type would make comments about how this affects the fuel efficiency of the car......followed by some other idiots ordering wind tunnel studies to quantify the negative fuel efficiency impact... It's just easier to flop them along side the car when I get out. I haven't received many comments about my "lil ferign car", but I have been laughed at for putting out orange cones when I use off street parking. Whatever.... If they wanna pay me to deploy orange cones, I'll deploy them....it beats HECK out of being in management!!!
I know it's not practical, but I like the image of you pulling into a parking spot, and all four cones drop to the ground. If you want to be more dramatic, you could launch them like they did with the old WWII hedgehogs. Tom
LOL! Don't give me any evil thoughts! One of my offices has a daycare facility in front of it!!! I can see it now......All I would have to do is reverse the polarity and spike the voltage, and I could scatter the little crumb-snatchers all over the playground.....
Power only. Newbs press park and then power. It's akin to turning off the radio before turning the car off and then when starting next time turning the radio on right again.
One button unless I am going to stay in the car for awhile (not a good tactical decision). BTW, it's a parking brake.
I'm in the habit of pushing the parking brake no matter what. I am not really in the habit yet of pushing the "P" button 100% of the time. When I engage the parking brake (usually without thinking), I sometimes take my foot off the brake first before powering down, or worse I don't power down for another minute before checking the displays, etc -- and my right foot gets lazy and comes off the brake. Sometimes I feel a slight lurch forward, and I catch myself and press "P", or immediately power down. But the very bad thing is this drains the battery because it keeps trying to drive the car forward with the parking brake engaged, because I'm still in drive.
I push P cause "I like to Push The Button" ala: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHx9M-WADPI]YouTube - Going Up[/ame]
I push Park first, because that is what I have done with every other car I have ever owned. You had to put the car in park before you could remove the key. I feel like I am skipping a step if I hit Power first
1. Turn off wipers 2. Turn off lights. 3. Turn off radio 4. Shut sunroof 5. Shut all windows 6. Set parking brake 7. Press Park 8. Press Power button 9. Get out 10. Lock 11. Look back to check on everything and admire the red color.
When 'parking' I go after my wife and we have sex... Oh, I misread the post. you meant "Parking" as in the car. I just hit the power button. 1 button to do "it all", as opposed to multiple buttons to do it 'manually'. If you have enjoyed this post half as much as I have, well then I've enjoyed it twice as much!